I absolutely loved the first two games (especially Rise), but I was slightly let down by this one. The platforming didn't feel as natural, and the game felt unpolished at certain points (awful load times, audio delay). I thought this could have just been the 6-7 year gap or so since when I played Rise, but idk. I think it really lost its momentum. The good things were that its still a great collectathon, and I think it makes a decent attempt at honoring and educating on South American culture (even if its kinda pointless given that Lara as a character is inherently like ... bad)

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I didn't find the "twist" to be much of a twist, but I can't deny how much of an accomplishment this game is. So obviously made with so much love. The ending was maybe a bit rushed. One of the coolest sets in a video game ever

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I loved the level design and how fulfilling this all was. My only gripe would be that I wish the larger areas were more easily traversable. Also I literally couldn’t tell if the companions were AI or not and I think that is so cool (they weren’t!!! Wtf!!!)