This was my first steam game ever, i got it for my eleventh birthday and I think It changed my trajectory of life, this is the game that kinda taught me so much about myself and the world i was in and had me reflect so much and..i have no bad words about it

This game was a amazing introduction to the smirky blue hedgehog....BUT GOD DOES IT NOT HOLD UP DUDE, all except like 2 levels are kinda slow and clunky, and while i appreciated that it made you think, There's a lot of points where it's just not fun...but i cant put myself to really hate it ether.

This game was kinda a confusing mess when it came out and when me and my friends gave it a shot we died quickly because of the it's kinda abandoned, it was good for a laugh but not much else

I played every level of this game and it's a classic for a reason. even if game overs arent fair now in days its fun still

i mainly play this game with mods and i think i enjoy it better then smash bros

its fine...10x better then sonic forces but most of the hiccups from that game kinda come from this game so...y'know

One of the definitions of letting people be creative in video games

while the style of this game is absolutely fantastic (from the music to every peace of the art direction), I can not say that i really like this game, it's just rough around the edges when it comes to controls and general gameplay

Fuck this game. genuinely the damage it made on this series is absolutely irredeemable and i hope to never have to touch it after im done with it.

Genuinely one of my favorites "GTA Likes" it's fun to play, and while realism is a low, the game play is high, and the story is thrilling.

While worse then 2, this game has my respect with the idea's it protrays well, and the things they added.I may genuinely like it more then 2 because of the memories i made along the way and the friends i was able to make through it. the worst problem is that it's a buggy mess and online is probably worst then the first game

this game is genuinely the definition of mediocre. and i'm not excited to 100% for my sonic marathon