7 reviews liked by AISeresi

le créateur du jeu sait tout concernant les e-girls, ça fait peur

Jogo é difícil? Sim. É um souls-like? Também. E os elogios acabam aí, pois a gameplay é muito travada, o personagem é lento, é muito difícil esquivar até dos inimigos mais fáceis do jogo, e a dificuldade implementada no 1° boss é absurdamente elevada pro começo do jogo.

Le gameplay est plutôt sympa (pendant 1 heure ou 2)... en revanche je ne suis pas un mec foutu, ravagé par la vie.
Si vous êtes un pédophile, un foutu ou un investigateur curieux intrigué par la bassesse humaine dans sa forme la plus pure, foncez !

It's a great rhythm game but I can't stand the amount of fan service it has. The loading screens are full of art with thighs and other "questionable" parts of the female body. At least you can choose which loading screen to use but still, it's quite disturbing. On Steam, it doesn't show that this game is 18+ and you can easily mistaken it for a kid's game (like me). I guess it's worth buying it if you'd really like because always it's like under 1 euro but it will most likely stay in your library, untouched, after you see what's in it.

Really not an ideal experience for Deus Ex. The controls were really janky on a phone, though it looked gorgeous at the time. Definitely needed more work.

Undertale Yellow is so impressive not as just a fan game but as a game itself. I think an important way I go about understanding it is that it is not just undertale 2 or something like that, its trying to tell its own story and narrative that does tie into undertale lore but really is not that crucial to it. And the story it does tell I loved. The characters were amazing and I loved the questions concerning what justice is inside pacifist and genocide. I know some people complain about the bosses, but I loved every fight. Where they tough as nails? For sure, but the satisfaction that follows a win will always be remembered. Also every route has a awesome final boss, its crazy all 3 were bangers. I dont want to say much spoiler wise, so please just play. All routes is longer than base undertale but its all fun. Just try to think of it as its own product

Amazing soulslike experience. The artsytle is amazing and the uses of parallax is amazing, I think it's lower point is both the mission system and the gameplay in general. It feels a bit slow and sometimes unfair hitboxes, and the middle of the game is filled with side quests that you can't accept all at once and has to go one by one. After finishing that middle part of the game, it gains a lot in the last sequence.

If the team learns from this, and pollish a bit more the pace of the game and improve the combat system, they can do a really amazing sequel