Surprisingly one of the worst third games in the gen, but that isn't really saying much as it is still a great game.

Typhlosion was my absolute hard carry, but I got rail-roaded by Red.

Feralligator saved my ass countless times and I had a much more well rounded team this time around compared to Pokemon Gold.

Easy top tier Pokemon game. Gen 4 is my second favorite Gen behind Gen 3. Platinum took Gen 4 a step further with the Distorted world, which was such a cool and unique area. Overall a banger of a Pokemon game (and the real last banger).

The start of the downfall of Pokemon in my opinion. I barely got through the game, but I really wasn't that interested in it towards the end. Gen 5 is okay, but meh.

I'm not sure I'd call this a true horror game, but it's a pretty good open world survival horror game. This is exactly what I'd imagine an evil Thomas the Train to be. This game is unfortunately extremely short and takes less than 2 hours to finish the game. Normally I wouldn't recommend a game this short, but it is a great game for what it is. I'm hoping that in the future we get a second game that expands on this concept as there are very good elements in this game.

Adding a Nightmare mode added to the replay ability of this game. Nightmare mode is no joke, the atmosphere is significantly darker, Charles is incredibly more aggressive, and will hunt you down faster. There is a lot more strategy that goes into this game mode as you almost have to pre-plan your route to a certain degree. A lot of what you do in this game mode is dictated by Charles and one wrong step spells the end of the run. Having one-life makes it that much harder. After getting my ass kicked 3 times right out of the gate by Charles I finally planned my route and BARELY beat Charles in the end.

A nice relaxing game about restoring a "garden" through planting seeds and fishing. It's a fairly short game with one missable achievement if you are not paying attention, but it's well worth it. It was a great reprieve from the competitive/grindy games.

Fairly decent game with 100 different ending and one secret ending after you get all 100. Some of them are pretty comical, some are relatively easy to get to, and some are just a major pain in the ass to do.

The creativity carries this game, but it could have been a lot less annoying to get some of the endings.

A fairly decent settlement builder. It's pretty basic and not too difficult once you get the hang of it, but it is still pretty fun. It would be nice if this concept was expanded on more in the future and it being a more complex game, but it's still pretty good in its simplicity.

Not much else to say, there really isn't anything bad, but it is pretty average.

Still the best Mario Kart ever IMO. The battle mode was my favorite by far, and the track list in GOATED.

Simple Yet fun. Solid Mario game, not much more to say.

One of the best Pokemon remakes. The little Pokemon following behind you is the best feature by far. While the Johto Pokemon are not my favorite, being able to travel between two zones has always been the best part of Gen 2. Too bad more Gens don't adopt that system.

One of the best handheld Zelda games. Tons of neat ideas and gimmicks that made this fun like map writing, a centralized dungeon and mini dungeon, and of course the ghost ships. The puzzles were decent as well.

One of the absolute best games in the history of the JRPG genre. Chrono trigger is such a high quality game, an incredible party system, flawless music, fulfilling exploration, a great story, and most of all endless replay ability with all the different endings. I wish I could experience it again for the first time, but experiencing it for that 10th time is just as fulfilling.

Pearl was better. I'm totally not biased btw. (I owned Pearl first.)