11 reviews liked by ATsanlaredes

Everything you could ask for from a new Tekken game. Awesome starting cast of characters, amazing stages with some of the best soundtracks from the whole series. A short, but really great story mode as well. Everything about this game is just an improvement over Tekken 7. For sure the best fighting game out there right now, no question.

Every time I play this game it’s at like 1 AM and I end up crying while laughing with my friends.

Cinematic Story Mode AND individual character stories for everyone.
Singleplayer Mode.
Tekken ball.
32 Characters in the base roster.
ROLLBACK NETCODE + crossplatform.
nuff said.

First time I played I was shitting myself and leaving every light on to the point of constantly having to find gas. Second time I had an idea of how the physics worked and was able to blast and cheese my way through stuff.

This game rules.

A short yet enjoyable experience. The puzzles and gameplay were clean and well polished, and there weren't any parts of the game that stood out as particularly underdeveloped or lacking, every section of the game worked, and worked well.

Whilst a horror game, I can't say it 'got to me' on a fear level - The horror more so came through occassional jumpscares, which although cheap didn't overstay their welcome. The 'survival horror' aspect of it - the section in the sewer where Slaw was searching for the player, began as a tense experience, and built up to be the true 'horror' the game was lacking up until now. This went out of the window as soon as Slaw spotted me for the first time, as the music - whilst cool, didn't exactly fit the tone, and only really released the tension. From here, any repeat chase was simply a case of 'oh he's here again'. But the song was really cool, and it did hype me up, so I'm okay with it.

I enjoyed the first game but, to me, this is a leaps and bounds improvement over it. Much more feature-packed and polished, and the fighting mechanics are so much better this time around. It feels like the devs at Ludosity were actually given some time to let it cook this time around, and it feels like NASB is really coming into its own here. Given how much I kept coming back to the first game, I see myself spending a lot of time with this one.

An extremely fun platform fighter with an improved aesthetic and especially single player from the first game. Competitively, I still feel like it has a long way to go in order to become truly amazing. Some mechanics have some questionable design decisions along with the balancing decisions. I still however am optimistic about this game's future. If NASB 1 could become a great game despite it's rough start this game can too.



Fuuuuuuckkkk.....you couldn't make a game pertaining to my interests harder than this in any number of lifetimes.

resident evil 4 as a boomer shooter is a good description

I mean, it's basically just more of Silent hill 1 but with a waaay better story, like goddamn. Really like how this game messes with your brain, that's fun.