Replayed on Playstation 5.

This game benefits greatly from the dualsense. It's a bit of a weak replay but this tends to be the case with back tracking games, you already know what you are looking for to get through each area. Otherwise this game still puts Arkanes previous works to shame. Excited to play Prey, but honestly doubt it'll topple this experience for me.

I think this game appeals to my taste better than dishonored ever could, honestly. Quick writing, removal of the honestly very minimal d1 chaos system and a gameplay loop that ENCOURAGES creative play rather than punishes it. This game has so many flaws but I can't being myself to hold them against it when the writing is so fun and the gunplay (in an ARKANE GAME?) is so satisfying. I do wish some of the writing was less hidden, shift and melee less of a dominant playstyle and generally the AI can be a bit weak. And while the first two flaws are genuinely frustrating, the weak AI is more a double edged sword to allow for creativity. I'm rambling just go play this game. Instant classic.

This game is incredibly difficult to talk about. It can be both inventive and completely derivitive. It has some dynamic gameplay with class switching, that it's playerbase doesn't use leading to games feeling like it's always an ORISA standoff with a kiriko and sombra as support. Mostly though, its a good game with the soul ripped out by the free to play market. The new content would have been better in ow1. It's a shame this is the best hero shooter still in development, but it is.

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Replaying this game reminds me of how frustrating the story is. The whole game centers on family like the prior one, but specifically the relationship between mother and child. And yet, Mia is shot and killed in the opening, turns out to be alive and gets no screen time, so Ethan can play main stage. They effectively fridged the woman so her husband can be a hero and I just think that isn't acceptable. I love Ethan but, really, this game would have been alot more impactful if you played as Mia. What a shame.