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Acquiescence commented on epiglottis's review of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
This is a great review. While I did enjoy the game as a whole, I will admit that you bring up a lot of points that I agree with. And those points are the reason why the original FFVII remains my favourite all-time game. The more straightforward nature of its storytelling definitely works in its advantage when it comes to delivering the emotional bombshells. Not that Rebirth doesn't have its own tear-jerking moments, but all that multiverse bobbins sure does undermine the drama in the last chapter.

5 days ago

Acquiescence completed In Cold Blood
Following the success of Broken Sword, Revolution set its sights on more ambitious horizons with this weird and mechanically awkward shift into 3D spaces and espionage action. It's clear Revolution wanted to adhere to its point and click adventure roots, and so at its core In Cold Blood is still an adventure game, but its attempt to branch out and court console players with a big 3D glow up and combat mechanics is an ill-conceived one. In Cold Blood bites off more than it can chew, and all its different elements never meld into a cohesive whole.

6.5 outta 10

6 days ago

6 days ago

Acquiescence commented on Acquiescence's review of Policenauts
@Serious Thanks for all the likes.

I actually loved Kojima once upon a time. MGS1 was the first game directed by him that I played and I thought it was amazing. Still do. But MGS2 was a massive disappointment, and over time I just grew tired with both his hugely inflated ego and his obsession over Hollywood celebrities. Death Stranding was the final nail in the coffin and made me realise that I just can't sanction his self-indulgent nonsense anymore.

But the guy is loved by people both in and outside of the gaming industry, so what do I know.

6 days ago

Acquiescence completed Heart of Darkness
Boggles my mind that the Average Rating for this is 3.5. That's way too high for a game that's all visual pizazz and little else. Heart of Darkness is an ultra unforgiving, ultra unfair cinematic platformer that revels in making the player watch its myriad of flashy death sequences. The game practically prides itself on its trial and error gameplay, and you will die... a lot. Often in maddeningly annoying ways. I played it with save states and it still made me tear my hair out. I can't fathom how anyone reached the ending legitimately.

6 days ago

7 days ago

Acquiescence finished Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

This review contains spoilers

So Rebirth ended up following the same trajectory as Remake huh - a mostly top-tier experience that let itself down in the final chapter by becoming a highly convoluted mess of clashing multiverses and... I dunno. I don't know what the fuck was going on. That major emotional beat that ends the first disc in FFVII OG serves as the climax for this singular entry in the remake saga, but loses much of its power this time around because there's so much ambiguity as to what's actually happening. When a game's end credits start scrolling and your first instinct is to go on the internet and start scouring forums for some kind of explanation as to what it is you just saw, you know the writers kinda fucked up a bit.

Despite this criticism, the reason I give Rebirth a 9 when all is said and done is because it was such a trip, at least up until the denouement. A true labour of love, stuffed with an inordinate amount of soul and joie de vivre. A game that cares about its characters and knows that you the player cares about its characters, and as such treats you to a constant barrage of fanservice, both in the main story and its myriad of side content. In any other game, the open world and its Ubisoft-influenced design would quickly grow wearisome for me, but in Rebirth, it's a joy to wander off the beaten track and explore the wilderness. Doing so often treats you to sights and sounds you won't experience in the main quest. And of course, it's all aided by the finest real-time combat I've ever experienced in a JRPG. A fine-tuned mix of planning and reaction; Rebirth's deep combat mechanics help it rise above even its lowest points.

And so, as I wait for part 3 with baited breath, and pray that its development isn't significantly hampered by Rebirth's struggling commercial performance, I look forward to what the future brings, but also have a certain amount of trepidation as to the narrative choices it makes and how far it strays from the source material. In what will presumably be the final chapter of a trilogy, there's an opportunity for the developers to simplify things and deliver more answers than questions. Sticking the landing next time around would be a perfect way to cap off this whole saga and achieve what Remake and Rebirth could not - a cohesive and satisfying ending that refuses to indulge in the JRPG genre's worst excesses. Fingers crossed.

8 days ago

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