Depressive Replicant.

Game is good, only played up to Ending A, and watched the rest on YT, the requirements for the other endings are too much of a chore compared to Automata, and it would have been a really tedious task that I decided not to partake on.

Combat good, hated the puzzles in the desert, there's a lot of backtracking and the lack of warp really hindered my enjoyment, voice acting is insane and the story is depressing, Sasuga Yoko Taro.

The game's story starts with such force it's incredible how flat it falls during Mechonis, it almost felt like the script jumped off a cliff, fortunately it does pick up a bit during endgame.

Visuals are outstanding, the Music is a blast, gameplay is rough around the edges but it's good enough to stick, for the Characters only Melia was notably good, Sidequests are god damn awful I didn't bother to do them and some misc things left much to be desired (such as exploration in general and the lack of rewards other than grabbing useless boring items on the field)

All in all a pretty decent game that could have been way better.

What'd you know? best april fools joke ever.

And it even has a kickass soundtrack!

It is also very interesting that the whole mystery was quite really entertaining!

Great game for Harry Potter Fans, I've managed to do both, exploration while doing side quests and main quests in an attempt to do a decent amount of completion rate.

However, as I did more stuff, it started to become monotone and unrewarding, typical of loot games unfortunately, opening chests, doing trials and what not started to feel dull due to it's lack of variety. At least some quests were pretty interesting, like Poppy's and Sebastian's ones.

This game's value could have been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay higher if it wasn't a loot game and if the additional content you can do other than opening treasure chests and slaughtering everything in sight were actually rewarding this game could have been a masterpiece, but alas.

It was still a sight to behold, the soundtrack was good, the overall visual quality was a feast to the eyes, using spells, specially unforgivable curses was pretty fun, Flying is fun to some extent too and some boss fights were great, especially the last boss (I did not upgrade any of my gear at all, so the final boss was kinda good for me)

See you next time, maybe on a DLC.

Story: B+
Characters: B
Music: S
Gameplay: B+
Misc: A

Overall 7.75/10

For my first Atelier game I was surprised as to how fun this ended up being. It has a lot of things that makes me think of games I hold really dear; good world building, consequences, characters that doesn't insult your intelligence, some good twists, and of course a female protag (there's something Kino about female leads in games)

I was also surprised with how "safe" this game is, always saw Ryza's arts and thought the game was too lewd pandering to people that likes thighs, and besides 2 character designs (and some slight jiggly physics and butt camera), the game is actually very tame and does not use stupid generic trope jokes.

Game is quite easy (that depends mostly on the learning curve tho), but it's still very fun to play, the gameplay loop is fun and sometimes the game has some difficulty spikes that are well received, I was also amazed with how polished it is as there are certain things that makes things quite balanced, in this case, Item and Skill usage. Also, Small numbers goes brrrrrrrrrrrr.

Soundtrack is full of bangers as expected of GUST.

Now, there's some things that I wish were done a little better, I understand the idea behind not being able to carry a bunch of items in your explorations, but it's quite annoying having to go back to the Atelier to get rid of items to continue exploring, and you only get the bag expansion somewhere midgame, and the item scanner further into the game, which would have saved me a lot of trouble early, but it is what it is. Other than that, it was a solid experience.

This game is hella beautiful holy cow

Fun Short Game to relax and cleanse your palate for whatever you've been doing up to this moment. Reject Humanity, become Birb.

Completed all main 5 routes.

Gameplay: Might not be as fast as I love my Ys, but it's still pretty good and solid. Quite difficult even on normal difficulty (although second route was a breeze until endgame lol) Variety of weapons is nice, but Punch 2 Explode was my go-to in the end.

Story: Not going to tell much here to avoid spoiling too much, but I think this is the closest I've been to a story that tops my favorite game trilogy (Trails in the Sky), at first I had my doubts because it seemed like it focused on delivering with OST and gameplay, but the other routes changed my mind.

OST: Great, and I love how some quests have a thematic soundtrack composed for them, which is a neat detail.

Characters: Great, same with Story, the other routes vastly changed my mind about them.

Misc: Great, Quests are quite rewarding and while some might be a little bit tedious, at least the QoL features this game has makes them fun to complete.

Overall: I had fun, and the game may leave a big void on me lol. All I can say is that I wish I had played this a little bit sooner haha, but oh well, it was still 35+~ish hours well spent.

Many gameplay mechanics have been revamped, which made things like entering zones easier (as in no need to build up SP for Exe drives), that helped the overall flow and pacing, specially when farming. Gameplay loop was also nice, which lead me to enjoy up to 80 hours

Iris/Plutia really carry hard most of the shenanigans with her sadistic nature, it was fun to see everyone react to her sadistic persona. Needless to say that the overall jokes that did not revolve around her were also great, gotta love all those 4th wall breaks and other gaming/anime trope shenanigans.

It was nice to see the evolution through chapters, as in new generations of consoles and the mentions of many issues real life game industry has gone through, such as the infamous playstation network hack and much more.

This game also fixed something previous games were guilty of and it was having such lengthy party members (nep 2 had way too much side characters crammed in for example) it's nice to have these references, unfortunately they were pretty much non existent here, but at least that made up for smaller parties and a far more challenging game (like, not having Compa's heals was quite the difficulty spike, but I've learned to use other party members abilities more and relying on items too)


The last few chapters felt too streamlined, like they could have easily been a single chapter, felt kinda rushed at times, although I wonder if that was because I did too much and I was overleveled lmao. Either way there weren't that many zones per area ever since Lowee, while Lastation and Planeptune had way too many areas.

Music overall was still mostly reused, Yellow heart and final dungeon/boss themes were good at least.

Overall 7.5/10: A fun game, way better than Nep 2, well polished and had better mechanics.

Solid game, for the time it was released it might have been really great, but it kinda shows it's age now. Good music, gameplay is a bit jank at times, facial expressions are wacky, some stages are classic annoying as usual (except those that are not Sonic stages)

Story is... eh... well not great but it's good enough.

Gameplay: A
Story: B+
Characters: A
Interface: B+
Misc: B-

Overall 8/10

For starters... The good: Fast pacing through the world is a blessing, Nothing sets me out of an open world than slow movement, so being able to breeze long distances in a short amount of time is great. The combat is fast paced and fun to master, there's many mechanics that will help you against bosses and minibosses (specially minibosses) I like how dynamic the battles are in general, makes fighting minibosses all around an unique experience for the most part as they have a different gimmick to their battle, best part for me is how fun playing as super sonic is, beating the major bosses while, not hard, they're still an spectacle to withhold, and the music does pump up your adrenaline.

For the story, the lore is nice and while I haven't played other sonic games other than Generations, I did not feel lost. There will be a couple of references of other games that will fly over my head, but it was well made. I'm a bit of a sucker regarding Dad/Daughter interactions in media, so I really loved how they humanized the villain through your actions and the reaction of his daughter, it was very Kino.

Music is nice for the most part, the game does have bangers as shown in the main bosses, they're not at the same level as MGR, but they do hype you up and it feels way better while you're at the boss than just hearing it

Interface is very clean, not many unnecessary pop ups on your hud. It has all you need to know without over saturating your screen

The bad:

Cyberspace: They do not match the speed of the open world, so it's often jarring to do them, often making stages a pain in the ass, some of them are fun, and some of them are straight up garbage due to the speed. At least you have the fishing minigame to avoid doing these stages, so there's a turnaround for this.

Objects Poppin: While not annoying, it's kinda jarring to see objects pop up suddenly when Sonic approaches them (way too fast for Render Distance to handle?) it's not too noticeable at first, but once you're aware, you'll notice it more. Hopefully they fix this later.

Final Boss: The change in gameplay is jarring for a final boss, there are several ways this could've gone better, but they had to go with an Ikaruga final battle which I'm not a fan of.

Fortunately, these issues were too minimal to severe my impression of the game, it's still a solid game with some issues here and there, but for the most part is fun.

I demand justice for Mick Gordon.

I had very few interactions with the Sonic Franchise, Always heard it flops at some point in the series, but never really tried them myself. Only played some of the classics and know of the Creepypasta

Generations was pretty fun for the most part, unfortunately filled with some infuriating game level designs, but other than that it was a solid experience.

Good soundtrack (although a bit repetitive at times), the gameplay loop is nice for what it's worth.

Be sure to have a guide when playing this game, there are many vague and cryptic indications that are never told to you and would feel better to get through with a guide (especially when it comes to dungeons)

Overall a decent but dated game.


Fun game, great gameplay, horrible camera and a meme fest.

Finished Both Yuito and Kasane's route as well as the Brain Eater DLC, and Scarlet Nexus has become one of my favorite games.

I'll start with the art and graphic direction, the world looks nice, it does get you to admire it while you're just vibing to it (for example on main town). There's another thing with the art direction and it's how the cutscenes are handled, most of the times they'll be "manga"~like, which imo, gives it a different identity to other 3d JRPGs.

Second, the sound and music, while at first the Dubstep is a bit of a letdown to me, I'm surprised with the amount of bangers there are, specially later on in the game where there are more orchestral tracks rather than dubstep. I still like the Main town theme despite it's dubstep.

Gameplay, IT'S VERY FUN TO PLAY, there is only one downside tho, playing on Very Hard is a damn punishment lmao, you can get killed by any mistake, I'd say is harder than Modern Ys, but easier than Ys Origin Hard (to make an example). There is only one thing I don't like much about playing on very hard, and that's because some enemies tend to feel like hp sponges, although you can pretty much annihilate them if you rip out their "crush gauge" or take advantage of their weakness as quickly as you can. There's also other features to the gameplay that maintains it fresh without the need of you becoming over powered through new mechanics, so it's very balanced.

Characters: Possibly the highlight for me, character interactions and dynamics are very charming, specially through bonding and team bonding, The confrontation in the story is also a highlight I really liked. Character development is also pretty nice and well done that in a way it can be said that the story is very character driven, which makes it great. There's no petty fanservice, no outrageous tropes, no MC dick sucking.

Story: It's not the greatest story ever, but it does hold up and it's done well, I like the futuristic post apocalyptic setting it has, the lore is cool and I did enjoy the plot twists and all the conflicts that came out of it. Also, the amount of consequences in this game is very high, not just that, the stakes feel real (thanks to the game difficulty btw) because you can really feel the weight of an encounter by how hard it is, and that makes a lot of emphasis towards the story and what the characters feel, so that's a plus for me.

I did rage here and there, because some enemies specially on very hard are somewhat annoying in certain groups, and the quality of design during the last chapters were a bit underwhelming as it felt as they shoved random enemies along your way, fortunately, the final battle did pay off for that, so I forgave it.

Edit 1: I finally played Kasane's route, but first I maxed out everything I could in Yuito's post game, and it made me reconsider most of the things I disliked, like the endgame and some hp sponges enemies, turns out I did restrict myself a lot by not using certain skills that would have made the experience way better (like the multiple active SAS), it made me appreciate more the endgame and the combat as a whole, as I could get rid of sponge enemies faster.

I also really liked to connect the dots between Yuito and Kasane' story. I disagree HEAVILY with those people that encourage only to play Kasane, play both, because there are still pretty strong emotional moments in Yuito's story (alongside great bonding and character development on his side)

needless to say that Kasane's story was great too, I really liked the confrontation of the team on this one, that, and the rest of the backstories of the characters through bonding. Definitely a game I would recommend to those that want an unique setting, great characters, great story, power system, gameplay and overall anime jrpg enthusiasts.

I'll pick up some dlcs later on, like the Brain Eater DLC as it seems to be a continuation (or to add more to the story)

Edit 2: As for the Karen's DLC, it was awesome, it's sad that is behind a huge amount of grind, but the contents of the episodes are worth investing into and it also includes one of the hardest fights in the game (as a vr mission that unlocks episode 3) This dlc really enhanced certain characters and made me dead inside, it was so damn emotional...

Overall, It's a solid 9/10 (7.5 for Yuito and 8.5 for Kasane,9/10 for Karen's Story in the DLC)