Once played it with my older brother and his friends while they were having a sleepover. They didn't go easy on me.
I never forgot 🙃

Jokes aside I vaguely remember it being really fun and at that point I had only ever played mario party for reference.

Debora is the superior choice 😤 I said what I said.

My favorite DQ game by far. The story is such a dramatic roller-coaster and honestly what other DQ protag has suffered this much? Makes the absolute most of it's small cast and the Journey feels worth it every step of the way. There's a reason it the first DQ I ever managed to beat.

A game made for me.
Soundtrack by THE Yoko Shimomura, Unique character designs by Shinichi Kameoka, beautiful pixel art backgrounds, A story rich in flawed characters and storylines added with fun gameplay including taming monsters and crafting. Truly ahead of its time.
Literally take one look at LIl Cactus and you'll understand that their world is worth saving.

This game will hit you with the most gut wrenching dialogue and story events then politely ask you to just keep trudging on despite it all. Theres so many lines from this game that I think about even now as an adult.

Absolutely worth a playthrough even if you have to pull out a guide at times (I know I did).

One of the first games I ever played. I was but a wee lass in kindergarten and even then I knew this was perfection. Obviously I wasnt old enough to figure out how to beat it but I had a blast playing it nonetheless.

A story that still touches your heart no matter when you play it and a theme so rooted in grief and sorrow that even as a kid it made me emotional. To this day I hum the song of healing randomly when I feel like I need an emotional boost to get through things.

If you just want to vibe in the throes of despair this is the game for you.

No really the story and themes really hit, the soundtrack is great and it manages to reuse so many Ocarina assets without feeling cheap. 10/10 would play it again and again