This game is the perfect sequel to a game that I truly did not expect to be as good as it is. The original Mario + Rabbids was a solid tactical RPG; good story that didn't take itself too seriously, silly characters, and a surprisingly engaging combat system.

Then Sparks of Hope comes along and innovates on everything the first game did with fresh changed to the cast. Rabbids get small voices lines which is surprisingly well done and adds more character to them instead of the "BWAAAA" of the other games. All the characters get brand new weapons and skill trees, making them feel more unique and have interesting roles in battle. All skill trees are easy to swap out skills and the new spark system putting buffs and elemental attacks on easily switchable characters makes it feel like you can fully customize for every battle. And the grid based movement is replaced with a more free roaming movement system and action points, giving far more options to everyone. The combat feels like a dream.

Then they switch up the exploration, changing the linear hallway style with mkre open levels with side quests, secret areas, and enemies that roam instead of specific battles place in each world. It feels more fluid and more engaging to explore.

Combine this with a story that is a bit more "serious" but still playful, gorgeous cutscenes, and a soundtrack that brings in surprisingly dramatic & tense songs, and you have a recipe for a really solid title.

Honestly the only thing holding it back is the enemy design is a bit easy in comparison to the first game, especially since your options are so vast. The AI is also a big too passive at times, often making it easy to win certain fights if you just don't approach. I think they could've added a bit more difficulty / enemy variety but other than that, honestly? Perfect sequel.

To preface, I didn't play through this game myself but rather experienced the majority through streams. I still own it and will most likely go back to it through DLC.

That said, I feel this is a great step in the right direction for Sonic. The character development feels strong and has a lot of potential for the future, the music is fantastic especially the boss music, and Super Sonic has never been cooler!

My biggest gripe is that it feels like it just needed a bit more to feel like a cohesive game. For instance, the Starfall islands are riddled with tons of platforming challenges but many of them are disconnected and hard to tell what you've already explored. I didn't mind rails and springs popping in as I ran through the sprawling landscapes at top speeds but I never felt like I really wanted to do them. A lot of them felt automated and took away from just getting to explore the areas.

And while I adored the Super Sonic fights, especially the music, the combat as a whole never really clicked with me. It's flashy and filled with special attacks but I would've enjoyed playing more with the idea of an expanding combo string rather instead of combo enders.

Overall though, Sonic Frontiers was a huge step forward for Sonic and I look forward to future content. Next game I'm sure will knock it out of the park!

Absolutely fantastic game shadowed dropped out of nowhere! It's as if action packed rhythm games like Crypt of the Necrodancer combined with a DMC / Bayonetta game and it plays like a dream. Combos are fun and filled with style with a beat mechanic for increased damage and flare, level design is simple and doesn't wear out its welcome, and the boss fights are a true test of your skills and rhythm.

And the CHARACTERS! Everyone in this cast is a joy and contributes to the overall style of the game. The main cast meshes so well together and learns from each other while the villians are perfectly cheesy and fun while taunting the heroes. Even the background characters flesh out the world like the totally-done-with-their-job receptionist and the creepily-helpful tutorial robot.

And of course how could I not mention the style and music of the game? The cell shaded aesthetic combined with wonderfully expressive characters and a combination of 2D & 3D animation that makes the whole game feel like a cartoon we get to control. Then there's the music which is a combination of great original tracks and awesome licensed tracks. I'm not the biggest "mainstream music" guy but I found myself looking into bands after finishing up the game.

The game has so much to offer and only at a $30 price tag. It's short and sweet and absolutely worth your time if you're a fan of rhythm action games or just fun cartoon styled stories. Highly, highly recommended

This game is based. This game oozes in style with a really interesting combat style revolving around using a second "character" that works into your combos. Switching between different helpers for different situations and combos is such a cool idea and it's only bolstered by the solid soundtrack and visuals. Story wise I think it's a bit cliche but overall still enjoyable. I hope it gets a sequel one day.


An interesting idea with a lot of fun characters and great music but bogged down by an unsatisfying feeling combat system. The idea of long ranged fighting game makes a lot of the combat feel like spam and the motion control is cool but the novelty wears off fast.

Overall solid game, came at a great time when it was just nice to interact with people online during Covid. A bit lacking in content after a while but I very much enjoyed my time with the game.