Never played the Serious Sam games before besides a very short five minute session in "The Next Encounter" when I was a kid on my PS2. How the fuck did I not know about Serious Sam? I'm a huge HUGE Doom fan, or fan of old school FPS in general, this is like Doom Eternal in 2001! I had so much fun with Serious Sam and if you are a fan of old school shooters and haven't played this, YOU'VE GOT TO.


I've played the absolute fuck out of DOOM 3, 2016, and Eternal, with a platinum on Eternal and still working on that dreaded Ultra Nightmare run. I figured I needed to go back and take care of the original games of one of my favorite series.

Doom holds up insanely well, I beat this game in a day and a half, and I honestly had a complete blast with it. When I was younger I always got stuck on E2M2 and would give up, thankfully I made it through this one, although House of Pain gave me a fuck load of trouble. King of Boomer Shooters, what else is there to be said? On to Doom 2.

This game is in my opinion close to perfect. I cannot believe how underrated and overlooked this title is. So much freedom in which to complete your objectives, so much interactivity in the world, a beautiful vibrant San Francisco with a living breathing world to boot, why doesn't anybody talk about this game? I played through this and finally beat it, after playing it multiple times and getting sidetracked I finished it a few days ago. One of those games where I was sad to see it end. You can play this game however you want, however I will say the gunplay is very sticky and I'd say probably the weakest part of the package along with the driving, while being very serviceable. If you like games where you can tackle the objective any way you want, this is a dope game. As for the story, I enjoyed it for the most part besides how it wraps up, very abruptly, and not very satisfying. How Watch Dogs:Legion was made after this blows my mind. Legion is dogshit. 4.5 star rating may be high for you but for me personally, I have a blast every time I boot up Watch Dogs 2.

Man, I struggled giving this a 2.5 but I have my reasons. Max Payne was a game I grew up on, admittedly at an age that was very young, I had to of been 4 or 5 years old, as I remember playing it alongside my step-father with Metal Gear Solid 2. I LOVED the blood trail parts as a kid as they were scary, as an adult, THEY CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF. Platforming ruined a lot of this game for me, especially towards the end. Max doesn't control especially well when it comes to platforming, although the gunplay is truly awesome. The story is noir as fuck and is totally rad, but the overall package doesn't hold up necessarily well as you would think it would. Now, with the platforming accounted for, I'd normally give this a 3 or 3.5. HOWEVER, I played the PS4 port on my PS5, and the PS4 port is fucking god awful, horrible horrible frame rate/performance, AND ITS A FUCKING 2001 GAME. I would recommend this game to anyone for a run through, but don't buy it on PS4.

At first, I was a fan of Outlast 2, a creepy sex cult in the woods you have to barely scratch by to escape, I thought it had potential, and I liked the first Outlast. I think this game is pretty lame, an incomprehensible muddled story(or maybe I'm just an idiot) with an incredibly unsatisfying ending and I'd argue a lot less scares than the orignal Outlast. I can't say I'd reccommend this game to anyone, the gameplay had it's moments but they were fleeting and few and far between. Not a fan of this one.