What good are words when a smile says it all?


Worst movement in any game I've played this year, however I think I completed every single level incorrectly upon receiving the grappling hook which did make it somewhat fun anyway

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"You've broken my sword." and you, Miyamoto Iori, have broken my heart. Terribly upset by the true ending. A wonderful experience.

How do you fuck up Who Wants to be a Millionaire? ITS WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE.

This game got so much better after I figured out how to skip cutscenes.

I know Hidetaka Suehiro (or SWERY as I think he’s more well known) is famous for games like Deadly Premonition and D4, but I haven’t played those, so this was my first introduction to his work, and I enjoyed it. For a Horror Puzzle-Platformer (also the first of those I’ve ever played) it was not what I was expecting but I understand why people love SWERY’s narratives so much now. The story sure didn’t shy away from getting mature, getting into themes of self-harm and gender identity in little clues sprinkled throughout the game until the ending that kinda just goes “if you haven’t gotten it yet, this is what’s going on”. There are a lot of hidden themes in the game too that I’m not smart enough nor knowledgable enough on topics like gender dysphoria and gender identity to talk about correctly, but even I could understand how important these things were, as small as they might’ve seemed, thanks to SWERY’s excellent writing. I 100% this game (which mainly just included collecting a lot of donuts), and while there wasn’t a platinum at the end, I wanted to do it just to see the full story anyway. If you have played a SWERY game before or even if you haven’t and want to try something new, I recommend it.

I bought Milk. Or rather, Milk inside a bag. Or rather, Milk inside a bag of milk. Or rather, Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag. Or rather, Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk. He put my Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag.