Generally fun. Has great queer rep, and manages to be both funny and spooky without undermining itself. Loved it.

Firstly, great queer rep, just like the previous games. Secondly, this one was a bit more on the silly side than spooky, but it was still enjoyable. If you enjoyed The Testimony of Trixie Glimmer Smith, you'll like this one.

This was fun, and very funny. A nifty little Twine game wherein you play as Bell Park, Youth Detective, and solve a crime. I stumbled across this in an RPS article today, and I cannot wait to play the next two games in the series.

It's fine, I guess? It's a competent game. I enjoyed the time I spent with it, but at the end of the day, it's a fairly plain game.

A decent remake of my favorite generation. I wish they'd included the Platinum stuff (the vanilla Sinnoh dex is not great), but overall, I'm satisfied with it.

It's not my thing. The puzzles are relatively meh, the platforming kinda sucks, and the story and atmosphere just completely failed to grab me.

It's decently fun. It straddles the line between being an adventure game and being a visual novel, and it doesn't always work (random encounters and the needing to go back and forth so many times is tedious as hell), but it's decent. My only real gripe is that the official translation is kinda meh, and removes one of the biggest "this is a Chrono Trigger sequel" bits in favor of a bizarre translation choice.

I quite enjoyed this. It was a weird, creepy little game, and I found the theme to be quite resonant. It's not for everyone, but I loved it.

It's fine, I guess? I enjoyed it enough to finish, but I've got no real interest in playing the DLC or mopping up the optional content. I'll probably check out the inevitable third game, but definitely not on day one.

It's fine, I guess? The dungeon crawling is adequate, but doesn't really hold my interest, while the visual novel parts are really fun but tied behind dungeoning. Were combat more robust, I might have stuck with it, but as it stands, it's just not grabbing me.

Kinda mixed feelings on this. I really enjoyed Bowser's Fury -- it's kind of a super condensed Odyssey (albeit with an annoying fight giant Bowser mechanic), and it's generally pretty fun. 3D World itself is fairly meh. I liked the aesthetics, but I couldn't really get behind the depth of the levels. 3D Land worked because it was on 3DS, and therefore you could use the 3D to actually get depth in those levels. Here, you can't do, and it's definitely detrimental.

A fantastic game. The systems are fun, the music is great, and the writing is funny as hell. I highly recommend switching back and forth between the "Olde" and "Zeboyd" version of every line you can, because they're all fantastic. I can only hope this gets a follow up, because it's one of my favorite games that I've played this year.

Fun little game. The core gameplay loop is fun, and I'm excited to see what they'll add as far as future content goes.

A decently fun game. I wish there was more variation in what the traits did (and less that were just jokes), but otherwise, it's enjoyable. I'll probably grab the sequel when it's out of early access.

I like this. Plays well, has nice music, and while the graphics aren't the best, it's still a fun game.