I dunno, just wasn't feeling it. Might come back to it in different headspace.

It has it's moments, but overall, it's a frustrating, dated experience. I enjoyed it as a kid, but I probably won't be coming back to it.

A fantastic game. The systems are fun, the music is great, and the writing is funny as hell. I highly recommend switching back and forth between the "Olde" and "Zeboyd" version of every line you can, because they're all fantastic. I can only hope this gets a follow up, because it's one of my favorite games that I've played this year.

A solid entry in the Zelda franchise. I played with button controls the entire time, and they were fantastic.

Game seems decent, but something about it (maybe the art style?) made it physically difficult for me to play.

Unpopular opinion, but Johto/Gen II is my least favorite generation. This was me giving these games another shot, but I just cannot stand them.

Short and sweet. Much more straightforward than the other games in the "series," but still enjoyable.

Fantastic series. Can't believe I slept on it for as long as I did. I'm looking forward to playing through the rest of the games in the future.

This review contains spoilers

I keep getting suckered into these games -- Limbo, Inside, and now this (I know this isn't a Playdead game, but seeing as it was made by one of the founders and has similar vibes, it's close enough to count) by the aesthetic and then ending up really disappointed by them. It's got a fantastic art style, but the actual gameplay is fairly meh, and the performance was just incredibly inconsistent. Maybe some day I'll learn my lesson and stop trying these, but for now, I can at least be thankful GamePass meant I didn't spend money on this one.

It's fine, I guess? It's a competent third person shooter, and the gunplay is fun. It just doesn't do anything beyond that to stand out or make me want to keep playing.

So now I'm scared of nuns again, so that's fun.

A great, spooky game. The atmosphere is great, really capturing the spookiness of the setting. And I loved how the story went -- it was great, surprising, and very creepy. Loved the characters, loved the story, loved the setting. An all around great visual novel.

Didn't click for me. I enjoy walking simulators, but this just felt thoroughly meh. I spent "Act I" wandering aimlessly until I literally stumbled onto the plot, then Act II begins by giving you tools with no instruction. I then almost immediately died to something I was given no indication was actually a hazard. I love the concept of this game (I've always been fascinated by the Dyatlov Pass incident, even if it was likely caused by something mundane), but the actual execution did nothing for me.

It's fine. There's some awkward grammar (I can't tell if it's a translation issue or just poor writing), and an uncomfortable focus on character's weights. Got one ending, no desire to get the other three.

Another fun mystery. Also a fun queer story.

I continue to want to like the Guardians as a character set, but never really seem able to. The story is, from the first hour or two, kinda meh (and in an action game, if it hasn't grabbed be by then, I'm not pressing forward), and the gameplay just feels very simplistic. No part of it really feels like a standout.