Exists in the weird limbo of "I can tell this is well crafted, but it does absolutely nothing for me."

I can see what they were going for here, but the lack of depth/complexity in the mechanics are a real turn off.

I loved this as a kid, but just cannot get into it now. Unsure why.

Played through and found a three or four endings. They were fine, but nothing really grabbed me enough to want to get the rest of them.

I think I just no longer vibe with first person games. Every one I have tried in the last two years I have bounced off hard.

Fun, short, and spooky. A bit predictable, and it could stand to be a bit longer (the story doesn't really go anywhere), but I liked it.

Short, gay, and fun. I enjoyed it, and may even go back and to the other route.

The jumping is awful and the rendition of Bloody Tears is a crime against god and humanity.