Despite wanting to, I didn't really like Her Story, but when I saw this was included in my Netflix subscription I figured I'd give it a shot. And I like it even less than I liked Her Story. These games always lure me in with an interesting sounding premise, but the actual gameplay/story just always fails to grab me.

Fantastic game. It's a blast to play (though I could do with a bit less missable stuff), and the story is absolutely tragic. Loved every minute of it, can't wait to include it in a massive Compilation playthrough when the Remake trilogy is finished.

Graphically, it's great. One of the best looking DS games. The gameplay is also fine. Pretty standard Pokémon fare. I just with the story had been better. Black was interesting throughout, and the story was enough to keep me playing even without the QoL features of modern Pokémon. Black 2's story only got interesting near the end, and even then dropped off pretty much immediately.

It's fine, I guess? The dungeon crawling is adequate, but doesn't really hold my interest, while the visual novel parts are really fun but tied behind dungeoning. Were combat more robust, I might have stuck with it, but as it stands, it's just not grabbing me.

I dunno, just wasn't feeling it. Might come back to it in different headspace.

Fantastic game. Probably my second favorite metroidvania, honestly. Loved it, cannot wait to try the sequel.

It's hard to articulate, but everything about Infinite just didn't feel fun. Mechanically, sure, the game is fine -- the shooting is fun, the grappling hook is neat if somewhat unnecessary. But the open world frankly sucks compared to the discreet missions of previous games, and the story not only failed to grab me but cements my opinion that 343 Halo isn't as good as Bungie Halo.

Kinda mixed feelings on this. I really enjoyed Bowser's Fury -- it's kind of a super condensed Odyssey (albeit with an annoying fight giant Bowser mechanic), and it's generally pretty fun. 3D World itself is fairly meh. I liked the aesthetics, but I couldn't really get behind the depth of the levels. 3D Land worked because it was on 3DS, and therefore you could use the 3D to actually get depth in those levels. Here, you can't do, and it's definitely detrimental.

Didn't really vibe with it.

The trigger warnings kind of undersell just how directly this deals with the issues in question.

I loved this. It's a very simple concept, but it's clearly made from a place of passion about RE4, and it's got great humor. The puzzles are fun and engaging, and overall it's just a great way to spend an hour or so, and a great use of three bucks.

I like this. Plays well, has nice music, and while the graphics aren't the best, it's still a fun game.

A fun little game with an enjoyable main mechanic. Using the charms to control how the story went was fun, and the various paths were all varied and interesting.

A fantastic game. The systems are fun, the music is great, and the writing is funny as hell. I highly recommend switching back and forth between the "Olde" and "Zeboyd" version of every line you can, because they're all fantastic. I can only hope this gets a follow up, because it's one of my favorite games that I've played this year.

Game seems decent, but something about it (maybe the art style?) made it physically difficult for me to play.