Game seems decent, but something about it (maybe the art style?) made it physically difficult for me to play.

This was fun, and while it's not an unnecessary continuation of the first game, it also doesn't feel quite as tight an experience as the first game. I don't regret playing it, but I also don't have any strong desire to get the other endings.

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I keep getting suckered into these games -- Limbo, Inside, and now this (I know this isn't a Playdead game, but seeing as it was made by one of the founders and has similar vibes, it's close enough to count) by the aesthetic and then ending up really disappointed by them. It's got a fantastic art style, but the actual gameplay is fairly meh, and the performance was just incredibly inconsistent. Maybe some day I'll learn my lesson and stop trying these, but for now, I can at least be thankful GamePass meant I didn't spend money on this one.

I picked the one who wasn’t my ambiguously abusive ex, and it turned out she was straight, didn’t even know my name, and was just hanging out with me because all her real friends were out of town.

Perfectly captures the queer experience. Fantastic.

I've tried several times to get into this, and I think I have to finally admit that the franchise isn't for me.

Just fantastic. Given the shortness of the game, can't really say more about it.

It's fine, I guess? I enjoyed it enough to finish, but I've got no real interest in playing the DLC or mopping up the optional content. I'll probably check out the inevitable third game, but definitely not on day one.

A decently fun game. I wish there was more variation in what the traits did (and less that were just jokes), but otherwise, it's enjoyable. I'll probably grab the sequel when it's out of early access.

I quite enjoyed this. It was a weird, creepy little game, and I found the theme to be quite resonant. It's not for everyone, but I loved it.

Technically fine. I know this is a me problem, but I tend to focus so much on the timing cues that I ignore the music, and it makes games like this hard for me to play.

On a second playthrough, it's still a solid 7/10. It's fun (fun enough that I'm getting Jedi: Survivor at launch), and it's a good Star Wars romp. Enjoyable, but nothing special. I'm excited to see how the sequel expands on what's here, because there's definitely room for it.

So now I'm scared of nuns again, so that's fun.

A great, spooky game. The atmosphere is great, really capturing the spookiness of the setting. And I loved how the story went -- it was great, surprising, and very creepy. Loved the characters, loved the story, loved the setting. An all around great visual novel.

I dig the art style and the noir vibes, but I found the actual gameplay to be pretty meh, and the fact that there are stealth sections pretty much immediately turned me off.

Just couldn't get into it. Might try again if I can get it cheap enough on Steam, because I feel like this would be so much better portably.

After the first two cases were a slog, the remaining three and the DLC really picked up the quality and redeemed this game. Overall, it’s not as good as the trilogy, but it’s a fair sight better than Apollo Justice was, even if it still has too much of a focus on Phoenix over the new characters.