It is an amazing game that everyone should play at least once. I would not play it again but I did have a lot of fun when I was playing with my friends.

I prefer Terraria but it was fun to play with my friends.

I believe that I beat this game but I can not recall sadly. I know for a fact that I did not master it but I want to play it again and finally do.

I am not the biggest fan of Lego games and a lot of the recent ones feel mediocre. However, Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga is one of the best Lego Games that I have ever played!!! It is the only one where I wanted to master it. I never did so sadly as I never completed the super stories but this game in my heart and from what I have played, is a masterpiece.

Pokemon Explorer's of Sky is the superior version of this game. Nonetheless, I still have fond memories of this game.

I would not play this game again but it does have sentimental value, as this was one of the games that made me want to learn how to read.

This was my least favorite Skylander's game back in the day.

This was the Skylander's game that I played the most.

This was the last Skylander's game and for good reason as me and my sister dropped it. The game was not bad itself, it just mediocre.

Unlike Skylanders, Disney Infinity felt like it improved with each sequel however, for whatever reason, Disney cancelled their fourth game and I always wonder what the final entry would be

This game could have been something special but it settled for mediocrity as it was filled with all kinds of bugs and glitches which made the expansions packs unplayable (at least, on my Xbox 360).

It is nothing special as I only played it as a multiplayer game with my family. The only reason I still own this game is because it came with Lego Indiana Jones.

I want to complete my own objectives in this goal one day but until then, I will only give it 4 stars. This is one of the only Lego games that I enjoyed and loved at the same time.

I beat this game a long ago but there is a part of me that wants to go back and complete it.

This is a mediocre fighting game.