Demo played. A slow-paced souls-like from an overhead perspective, it's set on a windswept, desolate tower, where you create your avatar and loadout using 3D printers in the environment. Lots of liminal spaces and dread - promising!

Well I ran out of bullets in the demo...

Having a great time with this, it's an incredibly strong start for what is an extremely difficult genre to get right from launch. Unlike other MMOs I find that I really do get to choose how to progress on my own terms - I'm shocked at how easy it is just to set a task and get to it, the game will bend to whatever approach you want to take.

And it works. For the most part. Easily the smoothest launch to an MMO I can remember. The game looks great, generally plays very smoothly, and honestly over dozens of hours I haven't actually seen lag or glitches in the experience - extraordinary for such a complex online game where often there are dozens of other players onscreen at once.

The world is really great. At first I was a bit disappointed how samey it all seemed in the early zones, but that familiarity has grown on me immensely and actually I'm appreciating the subtle variety as I progress. MMOs by their nature often look quite generic, but what is impressing me is that within that there is thoughtful world design that gets better the more time you spend in it. The master-stroke is how often I go back to zones I've already played and how the familiarity grows.

The big plus - it's busy, which for an MMO is everything, it's nothing without a playerbase. That exciting feeling of a fresh online world where a bunch of people are buzzing around it. It doesn't come around often enough in the MMO space, and I'm drinking it in right now.

Some really smart puzzles here.

Endearing presentation, Pikmin-style gameplay, smart dialogue - pitched at a younger audience.

Psychedelic surreal journeys through fantasy environments - it's filler content of a high-class type, with a decent storyline thrown in too. It doesn't really develop beyond the initial experience of the first half hour, but it doesn't outstay its welcome either. Very creative, quite charming, and it has heart.

Seems a very competent game that resembles a Subnautica in space, but I found the fourth-wall breaking humour to be incredibly grating almost from the first few seconds. Not my vibe.

A light snack of endearing interactive illustrations built around the viewpoint of High Smileson, who smokes a lot of weed and has a series of rhyming responses to his experiences in the world. Not sure its a coherent state of being given the struggles we face, more a light-hearted escape for a few minutes.

Demo only. Very nice fast-moving platformer, smart set of skills makes you feel powerful and elegant when you pull off the combos. Reminds me of... Sonic?!

Demo only. Well presented. Nice idea, 2D golf but with an underworld setting, procedural elements, card system, after-touch etc. Would it be enough to retain the interest for a full 18 holes? Hmm...

Only tried the demo. Single-screen bullet-hell levels. Feels fresh - not sure I've played quite this style of shmup before.

She doesn't like bread crusts - hard to relate...

Impressive. Pretty much does I think everything that's possible to take a 2d style shooter into epic 3-dimensional levels. Very breezy, easy-to-like playthrough.


Expertly made, thoughtful, with a light touch. The narrative is just a little less than perfect with a weaker second half. But the production value and design is fantastic, all built around the game's light touch of control that is unique and constantly playful.