Good rpg, i havent bothered with the story honestly, but the battling part is engaging. After finished it with every class on hard mode i have to say that blood knife, max knife, max crit,max stun, brawler and max typhoon max mp regen mage are pretty awesome. All the classes are usable for solos, but if you use morph dark mage it feels extremely boring and repetitive to use. Hard mode is decent but it doesnt really offer much gameplay wise on my opinion, you perfectionate your characters there and its harder yes but it just feels redundant.

Fun gameplay, the peak of the story is from ch 7 to 14 i believe, the only small irk i have with this game is that you get many good units and not enough slots to deploy them on some situations, so having to pick units can feel awkward, this is notorious on midgame, played it on lunatic only and the difficulty is hard but not unfair

I am in love with SotN, i think that the most strong point of this game is the aesthetic, the graphics are pleasant to see and the music is glorious, i have michiru yamane as one of my favourite composers because of this game. I dont think the story is a strong point, honestly whoever tries to play a castlevania for its story, its just not looking in a good game for that. The gameplay is smooth, Alucard is easy to use once you get on it and there are some weapons that are so overpowered in the end that being skilled at this game loses relevancy at that point

Aria of sorrow is on my opinion the best castlevania game for the gba, the soul system is a very interesting thing, full souls soma + chaos ring is basically a walking debug mode with certain limitations. This is a good castlevania for someone who wants to start on this saga because it is a good, not that easy but not that difficult either castlevania. The story is decent, not bad not good it is just there, what is interesting is the implications on who soma actually is, and his redemption or second chance in life, and the burden lifted on arikado's soul, sort of speak