I stayed up for over 50 hours straight playing and it felt like a quarter of a day, it’s genuinely THAT good

Short and sweet, another incredible rgg game. While technically it’s just a fill in the blanks and introduce some more characters for later, this game is just so much more, beautiful and I cant wait for 8 now

Man, the style of this game is genuinely unmatched, not a perfect game but the final palace was so good it completely makes the game for me

From a game that came out of nowhere to one of my favourite type moon things. A powerful story about the romanticism of the way of the sword and how it warps how we look at historical figures. Plus fun gameplay, amazing new and nostalgic returning servants and a near perfect score really elevates this game from the rest of the type moon games

Man, was kinda hesitant at first but it was worth every cent. Fun with a cool story and awesome mechs, wants not to love

“I forgive you.” Made one of the most hatable characters actually likeable. Man the amount of kuro teasers at the end though, I need that game asap

Didn’t get the hate, until I reached end game. grind that isn’t even worth it unless you want one of the mobile suits or all achievements

Cold steel bros I get it now, I really get it. While I still really liked 1 and 2, this game is such a return to Kiseki form and it almost reached the heights of Azure. Phenomenal stuff

Good stuff, cant wait to start CS3

After all the negativity I heard I’m genuinely shocked I loved this game this much

Genuinely speechless. I physically cannot come up with words to describe how good this was

I can’t believe people actually skip parts in this franchise