218 Reviews liked by Alltehpie

Timeless masterpiece that developers like Jonathan Blow only wish they could replicate. Still waiting for the Vaatividia lore series on this.

Every few years I go back to this game thinking it probably wasn't as good as I remember and every time I am reminded of just how incredible of a game this is. It deserves its place in halls of great video games.

Great games with terrible emulation.

I love this remake. This is a remake done right. I vastly prefer this true to form remake to the bloated mess we got for FF7.

It's a fantastic game filled with beauty and blood, just like the classic samurai flicks that they were channeling. Loved every minute of this game.

Love this game. It's probably my favorite non-FromSoftware soulsborne game. That said, it's not perfect. The game was pretty easy overall, but that could very well be based on the mechanic of always having an NPC with you. I plan in replaying it without a companion to see if that changes my opinion on the game.

My favorite soulsborne game. The fast-paced, challenging combat that demands you pay attention to it, the gothic setting, the music, everything about this game is a masterpiece. It may be my favorite game from the PS4 generation.

Game is great. Tight gameplay and fun exploration. Everyone I've heard complain about this game never even played it.