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Time Played

4h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

August 18, 2023

Platforms Played


Recent update added the long awaited map, and wow that did so much to make traversal more snappy and less meandering. And I now appreciate this game a lot more to not include fast traveling as I see just how interconnected this map is, with each area connecting to at least three other locations, but often times more.
And movement is still sublime and fun to experiment. New time trials are a nice distraction as they reward you with new costumes and most require multiple attempts to get a good route going.
Much higher recommendation now. And it turns out that tossing your tonfa does have a interesting gameplay mechanic that, while more of a novelty then useful, is still interesting to mess around with.

The dev also updated the Steam pages artwork, which is nice since they didn't like their old one.

Even the game itself isn't 100% sure what animal this character is.

True to its description, this game is a "3D Platformer Metroidvania".
Most of the upgrades you find are enhancements to your platforming moveset, allowing you traverse far more of the castle. But apart from the charge attack, it feels most obstacles can be tackled without the intended ability that the challenge is designed around. With a normal jump and the wall kick, I did so many things where the whole time I thought "Am I suppose to be doing this?" Rarely will the game tell you "No!" whenever you attempt to sequence-break, and it feels rather encouraging to break its challenges.
This would fall apart if this all felt bad, but everything here is both fluid and even original. Note how I said "wall kick" earlier, not wall jump. Pressing jump in the air will cause Sybil to kick the air. Kicking a wall will push you off of it, taking into account the angle of the wall and how close you were to it, both of which determines your trajectory. It is more complicated then a traditional wall slide/jump, but it adds a more interesting skill check to platforming. There's even a few secret techniques that can be performed which reward experimentation with added flexibility and expression. One in particular will feel right at home to those who love 3D Mario.
Combat is infrequent and only sometimes required. You have one combo and are committed to attacks, but there are ways to be mobile while swinging your... tonfa thingy. Nothing too special, though the one boss of the game was actually pretty decent. There's at least some complexity where you gain more range and power in your attacks the more you fight an enemy, but will lose those buffs if you heal (which is a skill that uses a resource gained by attacking monsters). Its interesting since you ask yourself "Can I kill these enemies without healing, or should I play it safe?" Strangely you have the ability to toss your tonfa, which I never found a use for it. Usually a strong enemy attack can knock it right out of your hands and you have to scurry to pick it back up, and throwing it isn't even an attack. Maybe it's just a button used for fun, kind of like that breakdance attack from Mario 64 that's pretty useless but is at least mildly entertaining.
Only notable issue is the lack of a map. It's not the most complicated world in a game; but areas can blend in with one another, as well as it being free-form in what areas you can tackle first. This game goes for a N64 style which is mostly cute, but they also have black fog at doorways that block your view of other rooms till you get close enough to the door. This means that it's harder to map out a mental map in your head, since its harder to remember what room connects to which. People have already drawn up maps, so feel free to use them if you get seriously lost. There was also one power up I didn't get till the end because it was behind a breakable wall, that's normally easy to see, but the area was dark and I just completely missed it. Probably could've signaled that better.
That said, this is only $5 at about 4-5 hours. I'd almost say the dev isn't giving their game enough credit since I'd be more then satisfied if this was $10. You like jumping in games? Easy recommendation.

There's an accessibility option to add pants to goat woman. It's the only accessibility option.