1 review liked by Alteisy

My introduction to the series was Fallout 4 on my Xbox One. Wasn't a great experience and I got incredibly bored of it, at some point later I also got New Vegas as well and tried it for a few years, to varying investment times. Only until this PC play-through did I actually sit down and give this game an honest try. Saying it was worth it undersells how much time I invested in this game. I stayed up several nights playing this from when I woke up to when I was too tired to keep playing. The writing and characters blew me out of the water and I grew attached to so many of the colorful characters I met along the way, including my companions. The DLCs were also fun deviations with their own themes that revolve back into the main story, with Old World Blues being my favorite. I went with the independent path, and will return to do the other endings at a later time, but as of now, and I believe later on, I think I can say with utmost confidence this is one of the best games of all time.