143 reviews liked by Alveline

Sandayu Momochi is the funniest character ever created

Unexpected amounts of fun with my favourite war criminals

Capcom fans: "Oooooohh the artsyle oooooohhhh the balance of snk characters ooooohhh audio compression..."
Snk fans: "Vete a la verga, r4 Haohmaru"

We wanted a graveyard full of tombstones, so we proceeded to remove a lot of swimming pool ladders. Oh also we were too young to understand english so we didn't know how to demolish walls for years. Making new rooms was like making tattoos; mistakes were permanent.

Playing Overwatch 2 is like playing a game of Russian Roulette, except five of the six bullet chambers are loaded.

I'm home sick and I played this all day, but I don't think I'll play it tomorrow. It is the oatmeal of video games. As oatmeals go it's tasty enough, but it's never going to be anything more than bland and homogeneous. Also this particular oatmeal adores cops and the surveillance state to an absurd degree.

That metaphor got away from me.

im terrible at this game and i dont like dying constantly

Your kiss was such a sacred thing to me
I can't believe it's just a burning memory

This game shook me. If you didn't like it the first time, I'd say give it another chance. I know the hitboxes are shit and adaptability should never have been a thing. All that bothered me too, yet very few have told a more effective, horrifying yet touching tale about the horror of losing yourself. It's a much richer narrative than that, but that's really the central theme of Dark Souls II.

This review was written before the game released

as an owner of a prepaid phone plan i sadly cannot play this, if anybody would be so kind as to leave your phone number down below so i can try it out i'd appreciate it (WOMEN ONLY) 😁😁👇👇👇👇👇



this happened to all Brazilians from 2018 to 2022