100 Reviews liked by Amir

I don’t think I’ll ever see anything topping this ever it released me from the subahibi shackles and I’m glad that this is my most favourite thing ever now. The first hour of reading into this vn I knew it had something special and I was not wrong. It portrays its ideas regarding the law of balance so well and has a way of telling its story Which is something so over the top that I just can’t believe that I got to play something this good. The CG was used really well and overall it was a unique never-seen-before concept brought to life in the most rawest form ever. I don’t got enough words to describe how much I love this game. Enjoyed every single pixel of it.

They weren’t joking when they said the love-de-lic, jrpg, sudaheads wouldn’t like the linear action over-the-shoulder AAA Jim Ryan Sony game

if only they would let me be gay 😔

this is like imperishable night but on drugs iloveit i love it i loveeeee it

Everything wrong with the video gaming industry packed in one abomination

(have not played btw)

i spent more time with that bullshit fairy from hell than with my parents

My opinion on this version of the game isn't the same compared to the War of the lions version due to how confusing the translation script was. But the story is still the same, more or less, and it is still one of the greatest stories ever told in a video game.
It is still a near perfect game and one of the best final fantasy games to ever made, it's just not the best version of FFT in my honest opinion.

My ass skipped school to play this game, in 2021. Thats how timeless it is.

The most comprehensive Hatsune Miku rhythm game experience. Even though my heart aches for a new game, I'm not exactly complaining, since this game has everything I would need for... A long-ass time. I haven't even beaten all the songs, nor even come close. Absolute recommend.