With its immature ridiculous dialogue and characters, I can’t help to think this game was designed for anyone but teenagers..
Unlike the other two Mafia games, this feels like a regular gangster game or a GTA ripoff, without any of the maturity of mobster culture.
Its impression of the 70s also feels hollow, compared to the vivid complexity of the 30s/40s and 50s time periods of previous instalments.

Play style can be engaging but adds nothing different in terms of level progression. Missions feel repetitive and lack diversity in plot points or nuanced game set pieces, making its central story suffer dramatically.
Visually it is quite bland also, making the world seem dull and uneventful.
- This also goes for the games main lead character Lincoln Clay, jeez what a bore..

A highly forgettable experience!

An interactive movie-game which takes a leap forward in many ways from game such as Heavy Rain, with its incredible photo-realistic characters, characterisation, dialogue and cinematic cutscenes which make you feel integrally part of the experience.
Though its story can be seen as predictable, or overly manipulative in some ways, the game captures a certain level of freedom with choices you make and the experience you wish to achieve.

Games like this do create a good incentive for a second playthrough even for just the wonderfully rendered characters and world alone

Enjoyable content, similar in style to GTA more than the original Mafia I thought. Its storyline was a little convoluted compared to the original, taking elements from famous movies from the time period instead of bringing together a concise fresh storyline.
Overall nice gameplay and would recommend for any gangster movie lovers.

This remastered classic does a great job capturing the essence of the original with beautiful revamped graphics, compelling voice acting and cutscenes. Creating the feel and intricacies of the prohibition 1930s period.
Gameplay is enjoyable also, maybe slightly not as nuanced or authentic as the Mafia 02’ though it keeps you engaged with smooth driving mechanics and reasonably strong combat gunplay.

Revolutionary music game which defined the gaming experience as possibly the best of its genre. Fantastic compelling gameplay which challenges even the most advanced guitar players at this new button tapping experience.
Its smooth mechanics and easy learning curve can be enjoyed from all of the family with its separate well thought-out difficulty settings.

This alongside its diverse playlist arrangement of classic rock, heavy metal and pop, it will always leave you wanting more, young or old rockers alike!

Holds up as a great tennis game to come back to. Nice graphics, beautiful game mechanics for some lovely rallies and engaging cross-court gameplay.
Good selection of world famous tennis champions to play as, including the great Roger Federer.

More of the same, similar repetitive gameplay just with updated graphics and different generic playable characters.
This one expounds on nothing, though it wasn't working with much in the first place..

Reminiscent of other MMORPG's such as Neverwinter, Dungeons & Dragons Online and of course World of Warcraft, this experience does well in incorporating multiplayer elements with the lovable renowned gameplay of the Elder Scrolls series.
With questing not being the only focus of ways to enjoy the game, there is also an Intricate profession levelling system that has tons of materials, reagents, ores to sink your teeth into. The comprehensive world of crafting also includes home furniture designs for purchasable homes, which adds another level of role-playing complexity that escaped its contemporaries.

Whether its campaign, explorable maps, game mechanics and overall depth lives up to the franchises predecessors is debatable, though this does a good job in capturing an enticing, intricate fantasy world to enjoy and devour.

Set within the constructs of a Spanish film noir, comedically quirky, a black comedy with overwhelming sarcasm playing on the idea of grim reaper travel agents for deceased souls, this game is distinguishably different to anything that's come before it.
Taking elements from classical Hollywood such as Casablanca and On the Waterfront, this detective/adventure experience gives new life to puzzle games, playing up to romanticised movie cliches and capers within the wrapper of a death and mortality sendup is really great fun..
Although difficult and sometimes impossible conundrums to figure out, the engaging visuals, easy point and click mechanics and light-hearted humour of this makes it bearable even through the toughest of brain teases.
Fantastic art design and detail, an innovation for the genre and 3D animation, this is a memorable cult classic.

Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II undoubtedly captures the Star Wars aura and the mystical space adventure of the movies. With expansive level designs alongside intriguing FPS puzzle solving, makes for a compelling experience any fan can enjoy.
Unlike many first-person shooters of the time, this was one of the few innovators that didn't just create a Doom/Quake like experience where each stage was pulsating with action and intensity. This game makes the player think, contemplate and navigate their way through, whether it be to use lightsaber's to tear through vents or use the force to escape/advance in certain circumstances, it keeps a good varied balance of gun-play, lightsaber boss fights and intuitive based challenge throughout.
The option to choose whether to be a Jedi or Sith Lord is also entertaining, giving a reason to play the game twice around just for the novel experience of the counterpart.

Don't be put off by its dated blocky graphics, its playstyle, game mechanics and celebrated score alone makes you feel like Han Solo battling through hordes of Stormtroopers on the Death Star... Great Stuff!

This was definitely the weaker of the Moonwalker games released for different platforms, Sega Megadrive having the superior.
The arcade beat-em up is with great music, decent visuals but feels incredibly repetitive and gets boring extremely quickly..
How a game so flashy, abilities to dance and bust moves against enemies then even powering up into a damn robot (yea robot Jacko) can feel monotonous, I’ll never know..

Definitely play the Megadrive/Genesis version instead!

Within it’s gauntlet style gameplay, fighting hordes of zombies one after the other advancing to certain waypoints, there is a certain addictive appeal in obliterating hundreds of undead with an assault rifle round by round..
I appreciate there is a heavy co-operative influence in this game, playing one of four characters whilst watching your back, staying close to the party and never leaving an ally behind. Though this makes for gripping team based gameplay, the group dynamic just feels a bit of a cliché with no real in game diversity between the playable characters.
The level designs, visuals, and monstrous enemies also feel repetitive for any length of time, though in short bursts I have to admit its a satisfying thrilling riot..

Hmmmm.. This was definitely one of the weaker Turtles games by a considerable margin..

Quite an underwhelming golden axe/altered beast arcade side scroller..
Power-ups feel meaningless, bosses are routine, level designs a bit of a bore..

Saying this is inspired from Dawn of the Dead is a little of an understatement, as it’s a flat out rip-off though without any of the actual macabre sinisterism or depth of the 1978 cult classic.
This thing just reeks of zombie fanboy fantasy, playing to all the inventive ways of attacking, maiming and obliterating large groups of docile zombies without any real threat, intensity or reason for any for it..
The storyline cutscenes are tedious, feeling more of a George Romero afterthought than anything with incentive, even believing the main protagonist as a professional photo-journalist is a ridiculous insight to how shoddy and implausible this game actually is..
Its like a limited GTA sandbox in a zombie infested shopping mall but with no real direction apart from, kill zombies, rescue survivors, kill more zombies..

This endless mind numbing gorefest unfortunately will gratify a lot of people..