My #1 favorite FPS game. Especially class-based teams last man standing.

this was made with a lot of love but man it's pretty jank

This game is so bad that Backloggd doesn't even let me select the DS version.

the people that made the menus for this retro game collection did not need to go that hard... but they did. respect.

THIS WAS MAGICAL. Oh my god this is like the ultimate love letter to Source Engine nostalgia. If you grew up on Steam, please play this. You won't regret it.

If you didn't like this game, you just didn't get it.

You just had to be there. StreetPass was the best system feature ever. I hope Nintendo's next handheld has this. Walking around downtown Montreal and taking the subway as a kid and finding other random people to connect my 3DS with was magical.

I play like 1 mission of this game every 6 months because I remember the game exists and think "Hey, maybe the gameplay really isn't that bad... I should try it again!"
The combat is still bad every time. Shame, 'cause everything else about it is quite charming. At least Alicia's outfit is in PSO2 and Project Diva.

fuck this game it killed PSO2
i might come back to it in a decade when it actually has content, but right now it's literally just a big empty field where you fight generic robot alien things by holding M1 because they removed the timing circles from attacks

I had more fun taking screenshots of my character than actually playing the game. The controls are insanely unintuitive and none of the weapons feel good to use.

Man when I played this as a kid I was too shit to beat it. I still have great respect for it though.

Otaku-bait VN with absolutely zero substance.