this is what mario 3d land wishes it was

bargain bin warioware clone. it's whatever.

His swords really are that cool.

Combat, story, world, characters, and voice actors are all great. I never beat it back in high school but recently I've remembered how great this game was. I should definitely finish it.

there's just something about this game that feels soul-wrenching

this game was synthesized in an underground laboratory to mind control 9 year olds that watch tiktok videos with subway surfers in the corner

me and my friends downloaded this game for free on epic thinking we'd have a fun time but little did we know it was a 3v3 game. we were 4 of us.

Sometimes I play this for literally like 7 hours straight. My grandma was pro at this on her NES and I lent her my Switch at a family gathering once to show her what I've been playing and she was just as invested in it as she used to be.

i played the open beta with my friends and we all collectively agreed that this game made no sense

THIS WAS MAGICAL. Oh my god this is like the ultimate love letter to Source Engine nostalgia. If you grew up on Steam, please play this. You won't regret it.

I love this game man. It's just fantastic. It never failed to make me happy. I never played the original but I used to watch Let's Plays of it way back in the day. When I got to the new deluxe content, I felt like I was a kid in 2013 again.

boring and uninspired cash grab. mad respect for adding edmond dantes though.