3 reviews liked by Angelo_stw

Pretty nice fun game. If you liked Dark Souls and have also played every other souls game that exists, then this one is cool and fun and has a lot going for it despite the obvious drawbacks compared to the other souls titles. I can't say this is one I'd recommend anyone jump on unless you've played every other fromsoft game and are looking for another one. It has a lot of thematic value and I think that makes it worth it but a lot of the areas become a little forgettable compared to DS1 and it can often rely on really really unfair gimmicks during level design to trip you up that were unavoidable unless you knew it was there. I don't mean mimics or the exploding crystal lizards, more when 5 enemies will gank you at once, or a guy behind a wall that you didnt know was there will pull a lever spawning 4 tough enemies, or a ghost in a wall that'll hit you from a ladder that you can't avoid, or enemies that explode but are hidden in cells that you couldn't have known were there and will kill you with an explosion through a wall. The game has some unfair elements and some really forgettable bosses and levels, but despite that, despite it all, it's fun, I enjoyed my time with it and I'm glad I played it, even if just because it's a part of the history of one of the most famous game companies there is.

Haven’t played this just to sit down and absorb it since 2019 and I haven’t played the original (not remaster) since 2015. I originally loaded it up to get footage but ended up doing a full replay, it was such a delight to go back to. There’s so many tiny details from the intentional colour palette in each city to the thought provoking writing in the codex, to the incredibly evocative music that make the game feel special even all this time later. I still absolutely love it.

Some experiences can never be recreated