Was absolutely obsessed with finding all the easter eggs. Keeping track of all the little people and the bunnies kept me entertained for hours.

When I worked at EB Games, I would buy the used copies of Pearl, transfer all the good Pokemon that were left on the game by the previous owner to my Diamond version, and then I'd return the game. I still have some of those Pokemon to this day.

The very first videogame I ever bought, along with an atomic purple Gameboy Color, paid for with Christmas money.

The first time I finished it, I wanted to play again but was really hesitant about losing my Pokemon. I ended up starting a new game and when I saved I burst into tears. My dad took me to get ice cream. I don't think he understood, but that was nice.

Holds a special place in my heart.

I remember there was a really unique community that sprang up on The Sims Online that was all about diy internet radio. Not sure what that was all about, but a dj did a shout out to me and I thought I was hot shit. I think I quit after the person who owned the property I hung out on tried to groom me. Fun tiiiimes~

I blame this for getting me into Picross.

Played this a lot in elementary school. Classic.

My weed dealer worked on this game and then quit to become a model.

This was such a delight. A friend sat me down to play it without telling me anything about it and I didn't know anything as well. Lovely experience.

My favorite Pokemon game! The cartridge was sparkly.

Ogrepon is adorable. Appreciate a different way to get herbs. Happy my favorite, Hoothoot, is in the game now. Carmine and Kieran need to go to therapy.

I learned how to cut onions from Cooking Mama.

The grasshopper level terrified me. Floating on a dandelion seed was fun though.

My favorite part of the main games was quidditch, so I was thrilled that they came out with this.