I was absolutely obsessed. Probably the first game I played with breeding mechanics that passed on traits and I was hooked.

I credit this game as the introduction to one of my favorite classical pieces, Moonlight Sonata. 🙌

The very first subscription game I played. I had to subscribe because I saw someone with a little cat following them around and that was that.

My favorite Pokemon game! The cartridge was sparkly.

The very first videogame I ever bought, along with an atomic purple Gameboy Color, paid for with Christmas money.

The first time I finished it, I wanted to play again but was really hesitant about losing my Pokemon. I ended up starting a new game and when I saved I burst into tears. My dad took me to get ice cream. I don't think he understood, but that was nice.

Felt very cool in preschool when I played this on the Genesis they had.

Would regularly loiter at my neighbor's house in order to get to play this as a kid.

Played this a lot in elementary school. Classic.

Got hooked onto this pretty bad when I first started playing. Managed to get a high score on my second game. Will probably continue to revisit in the future to unlock more things, but my hype has died down.

Ogrepon is adorable. Appreciate a different way to get herbs. Happy my favorite, Hoothoot, is in the game now. Carmine and Kieran need to go to therapy.

Overall, I enjoyed the story, but the game didn't feel finished. Extremely buggy at times and very empty. The Team Star bases were soooo big and so underused. There were some pretty places though and I liked seeing the Pokemon dooting around. Finished the story but didn't really stick around for competitive like I did with Shield.

I really enjoyed this-- good way to unwind. I wish the daily puzzles were more unique or there was a way to pick your favorites. I kept getting the same easy one.