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Nintendo commented on Nintendo's review of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
@hotpoppah I'll put it in Miyamoto-san's Suggestion Box that he keeps outside his office, but fair warning - I took off the lid once and it just empties directly into Bill Trinen's open mouth

1 day ago

Nintendo completed Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Trivia Time!

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link famously features an NPC who introduces himself by saying "I AM ERROR." This portly neckbeard character is a cameo representing everyone who would spend the next few decades whining about Zelda II being bad. His name is a reference to the fact that every single one of them is WRONG!

Did you know that this game secretly rules, but we made it super hard because 80s Famicom gamers were just built different? All you need in order to have a good time with this one in 2024 is save states or rewind, and we've blessed you Zoomers with both of those on the Wii U, 3DS, and Switch. If that's not good enough for you, free walkthroughs have been on the internet for literally longer than most of you have been alive.

Zelda II gave you that Smash Bros Zelda Temple music. It gave you Dark Link. And have you seen the final boss?? That thing's nuts!

This is the one that separates the Child Links from the Adult Links. Don't be a crybaby. Don't believe the anti-hype. Zelda II owns.

Stay tuned for more Trivia Time segments in the near future!

1 day ago

Nintendo commented on qlip's review of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

1 day ago

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