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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 14, 2022

Platforms Played


I had a lot of fun with this game! The combat is incredibly involved, challenging and very fair, you learn the enemies patterns with a roll, find an opening, hit and rinse and repeat. It's simple on paper but very hectic and exciting when you finally master a boss' attack patterns. Boss fights are definitely my favorite thing about this game for sure.

The world is beautiful, visually stunning, unique and has a lot of varied locations. It's pretty gorgeous this game. The music is pretty great aswell.

Imma be honest though, I had completely zero clue on what the story was, like at all. To me the bosses didn't mean anything to me story wise, just a bad guy I needed to kill, and the dialogue went over my head. I'm sure the lore is fire if you watch dozens of videos on it which I will. But going through the game casually I didn't understand anything, which I am fine with honestly as I mainly played this for the gameplay.

Overall, this game isn't as intimidating as I thought it'd be, I thought I'd never be able to beat any Dark Souls game yet here I am. Probably a really good place to start as someone getting into FromSoft games imo. Fire game