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1 day

Last played

January 8, 2024

Platforms Played


I honestly didn't expect much from this game, I've never touched Kirby before but this game surpassed my expectations in almost every way.

The levels were genuinely excellent. Great platforming and puzzle elements, and the copy ability adds a lot of variety. Level themes and environmental storytelling is top notch.

I think this game highlights a problem of Mario for me where levels don't feel like they are telling a story, instead feeling like you're going through a bunch of disconnected levels and worlds with no cohesion. With this game, it really felt like I was wondering through a unique world with it's own story to tell.

Speaking of the story. The lore was pretty cool, as I said I've never played a Kirby game before so I didn't expect anything like that. Boss fights were awesome too, it's too bad I learnt the dodge roll later into the game because after that it was so fun to abuse it. Felt like I was playing an easy version of a Souls game when fighting the bosses.

I never died once in this playthrough, I even did the post game but I didn't die once, but the challenge still felt perfectly fine to me, it even felt decently hard at times (in the post game).

Kirby and the Forgotten Land ended up being one of my favourite platformers to date, if Kirby had more 3D platformers like this it would easily elevate it to one of my favourite Nintendo franchises, possibly even beating out Mario. Hoping for a sequel to this game with this amount of quality and passion.