12 reviews liked by Anniply

Decent game. The artstyle and music is wonderful, but the gameplay is pretty repetitive. The game is also quite long for an indie game, so it feels like it goes on for a bit with the same gameplay. That said, I had fun and enjoyed it. Not bad at all.

Pretty great indie game. Some things get a bit repetitive, but overall, it's a sweet game with good characters and an emotional story.



Nice little game. I loved the artstyle and music, but I wish there was a bit more to the gameplay. The story was sweet too, so I enjoyed it overall.

Decent game, but I wish there was more to do. The platforming is very simple, but it looks cute and has some fun characters. It's incredibly short though, so I would recommend getting it on sale.

Great little Soulslike game. I honestly loved the combat and all the different abilities, even though it got pretty easy after a while. The world design was wonderful too, and the characters you meet along the way were fun. Definitely recommend it.

This is a sweet and chill game with minimalistic gameplay. The gameplay is definitely not the focus, it's more about the story and atmosphere, both which are pretty great. I love the visuals and music, and while the story could've told a bit more, I feel, it was a good time in the end.

RoboCop: Rogue City is a pretty fun game for what it is. Although simple, combat can be fun as hell, and you feel like an absolute tank as RoboCop. Combat gets repetitive at times though, and I wish there were more enemy types, but it's still fun. Game also looks very good, despite being a AA game, and the story and NPCs are pretty charming. Definitely worth picking up on a sale.

Very good game. Audio and visuals are phenomenal, and the soundtrack is incredible. It's worth playing for those reasons alone. Sound design when moving around, climbing and walking over different surfaces sounds amazing and so crisp. Just a very good-sounding game overall. The soundtrack constantly hits with upbeat tunes, but also darker tracks in areas that need it. The gameplay is fun, but it can get a bit repetitive in the combat. I do, however, love the traversal around levels where you have to climb, use a hookshot-like tool and so on, plus fun puzzles here and there. Makes it a bit more to do than the average RPG.

The story is simple but in a good way. Think Paper Mario 64 and other RPGs like that. It's sweet and heartwarming, but it doesn't go crazy with details that you need to remember. Gets darker later in the game as well. It's nice with a chill RPG like that every once in a while. I can definitely recommend it, even at full price.

Super Mario RPG is still a charming-as-hell game with plenty of fun and fantastic music. It's just a joy to play. They did make it a lot easier though, which I'm not the biggest fan of, but it's fine in the end. The original could be punishing later in the game, so it's definitely a welcome change for newcomers. It's short for an RPG, but it's a fun time and definitely worth giving a play.

pees standing toggle, fart and smoke buttons, and musrooms. what more could you want