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Anton_ reviewed Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Yeah, this game fucking rules, it's rather short but extremely fun whilst it lasts and eminently replayable with its focus on high scores and combos, one of Nintendo's last to hyper-focus on that kind of gameplay, but it works well here.

My only real criticisms of the game are the repetitive and rather easy bosses and the slower-paced swimming levels, which feel at odds with the game's otherwise fast-paced platforming and action-focused levels.

If you have access to a pair of bongos and the means to play this game, I cannot recommend it enough as no other game has ever captured the visceral nature of slamming on bongos to beat down your enemies and clapping to scoop up a ton of bananas at once, it makes the game far more satisfying than if it was just on a standard gamepad and I cannot imagine it would be anywhere near as fun if it were.

1 day ago

1 day ago

11 days ago

Anton_ finished Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
Having replayed this again after just finishing a replay of DKC2, I can't see what this game did to gain so many detractors when it plays just fine in the same formula, it's certainly easier than the previous two but I only find the second game all that challenging anyway. I suppose the shift in protagonists and setting upset people back then as well as its status as a late SNES game when the N64 was out in most major markets, except the one the game was made in because fuck Europe lolololol, but that's all pretty silly reasons to feel lukewarm about it in my view.

I think if people go into this one with different expectations about what you're in for, an easier more collection heavy and lightly puzzle-focused affair, you'll have a decent time with it. If you're after the highs of DKC2 with all of its bombast and higher speed platforming, you'll be disappointed as this game is more low-key and laidback, it's well exemplified by how much easier it is to 100% as I was able to find almost every bonus barrel and get every DK coin on my first go with only two exceptions, whereas DKC2 can put them in some extremely cryptic locations and some which are almost necessary to use a guide for a first time as they require going through unmarked invisible walls, DKC3 has nothing on that level and I find the experience of going for 100% a lot less annoying as a result.

Overall, whilst I wouldn't say it's better than DKC2 or the first, it's still a good platformer and not deserving of the hate it gets from some quarters, this isn't a bad game by any means and if you go in with an open mind I believe you'll enjoy it.

13 days ago

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