Gorgeous puzzle game exploring perspective and optical illusions.
Fairly short, but I enjoyed it a lot!

I enjoyed this! The thing that initially attracted me to playing this series were the designs of the frames, they looked so cool. This held up well in game too, I also really liked the music and darker world design.

When playing in combat, the handling of the frame felt really smooth and responsive, animations looked particularly great. Switching between dashing around firing off ranged attacks before closing in and engaging in melee was cool.

Having the building damage and casualties be tracked during some of the missions and impacting you're performance was an interesting idea. Added a bit more thought as to where or how you engaged the enemy out of fear of risking more casualties from knocking a building down in a fight.

My main criticism was that I found the levels to get a little repetitive, with backtracking occurring quite a bit, and not much enemy variety, though the game was short. Some of the missions got a little confusing in terms of where you needed to backtrack to, to get a code or item but nothing too bad.

Overall I enjoyed this, and I'm interested with how it continues in the sequel!

Not only a great showcase for the ps5's DualSense controller features, but a fun, short platformer in its own right!
Loads of nods to PlayStation games from the past 3 decades.
Great stuff for a game that comes pre-installed with the system.

Great story with visually stunning Eikon battles and in game cinematics, with an excellent cast. I really liked Ben Starr's Clive, and Ralph Ineson's performance as Cid.

World building was great, particularly enjoyed reading some of the lore in-game. Nice feature being able to bring up the "Active Time Lore" during gameplay to get some more background on certain characters, objects and locations.

I felt that overall combat was enjoyable, but became a little bit repetitive over the runtime, fighting similar groups of enemies- though I note I didn't experiment too much with all of the different skills and abilities from the different Eikons, and would like to give it another look on my second playthrough.

Overall I had a great time during my playthrough, cleared all of the side-quests and hunts, and intend to give it another playthrough in the future