Surprisingly underrated story with good platforming and an incredibly good message.
This shorter game's atmosphere is calming, the music is good, and the dialogue is superb.

Was fun as a kid, but doesn't hold up to ANY of today's standards

Incredibly hard and easy to put down.
However, the AI is something to marvel at, and easily the bright point of this game.
The environment, however, as much as people like to gush, gets incredibly tedious after some time.
Only get it if you're into metroidvania games, and don't be allured by its difficulty and its graphics alone.

So absolutely terrifying that I have to put it down everytime. In my opinion, there's no other game that will stress you out quite like this one.

Absolutely beautiful. It was my second experience with a Zelda game, and even the N64 Virtual Console version was enough to keep me hooked, even as a kid growing up in the 2000s. Truly timeless.

Ocarina of Time was the best in terms of gameplay, but this one takes the freakin' CAKE in terms of story.
Majora's Mask has the best videogame story hands down. There's no possible way of describing how deep and fleshed out this game is, so you can only experience it for yourself.
Just know, the game is a lot to get into, and can be very challenging.

Quite possibly the most underrated game ever made imo.
As someone who drops every metroidvania placed before him, it takes a lot for a game of that genre to keep me going.
Wuppo is held up by its surprisingly deep lore (seriously), its great gameplay, incredible graphics, and incredibly random gameplay.
I don't wanna sound like a loser, but this game is a "treat".

Easily one of the best DS games, despite its niche, spin-off appearance.
It's one of those games that's just easy enough for children to beat, but just hard enough for MEN to master.
This is a must-have for the console.

Obviously, only good for children.
It sure was great for me.

Cool little puzzle game that tempts you to go completionist mode on it.
If you're into Woohoo Island, this may be the best way to experience it.

Honestly just doesn't work at all.
If you REAAAALY want to make animation on the 3DS, get flipnote studio 3d

An RPG game for children.
Charming, but gets boring if you have better things to do.

Great style, and people love to gush about this game, however the gameplay is not as deep as one would assume, and gets old incredibly fast.

The best challenge you could get out of BOTW.
Perfect for people who like to grind.

Honestly improves the story ten-fold.
A must-own if you have BOTW, but only play it once you've beaten the game.