Better than Portal 1 in every way; one of the best puzzle games around with a really great story too.

Too big for me to get into (I'm not that interested in golf)

I'm not really one for visual novels but this game is more gameplay than tapping, and more thinking than reading. That said, the story is incredible, and every case is good to some degree.
It can be a little hard to think the same way the developers were (some of the logic doesn't make much sense), so don't feel bad about using a guide from time to time.

It looks good, but it's just not that fun


I love this game, but you've gotta understand that this isn't for everyone.
It's slow, monotone, and sometimes downright confusing. This game will be nearly impossible if you don't use an online guide; but I think that researching the game while you play it will make you appreciate it more.
The story is surprisingly mature; not in a violent, dark way, but in an insightful, appreciatory way.
The art style and music are a snapshot of their time, in styles perfectly emulated, from the point-and-click computer game- looking overworld, to the claymation creatures you have to catch.
I had a fun time catching all the monsters, and with the game in general.

I’m not usually a fan of shooters but the heart and soul that went into this game really saved a franchise for a lot of people.
I really think you should try it


One of the best-paced games I've ever played. That being said, it is a shorter game.
But it's a beautiful experience through and through. I 100% the game in 5 hours, and I recommend you do too. Appreciate this game.

Actually quite a neat little game. Its gameplay loop is pretty cool. I will say, however, that the fact that they have a roadmap proves that they know they've released an unfinished game.

An anwesome edition to a series that keeps on giving.
It's an accessible game that you have to 100%.

Made me discover why I don't play metroidvanias

I want Little Mac to punch me


Was so good for me at the time.
This game is freakin' healthy.

Yeah man, it's the greatest.

Hard to imagine going back to BOTW after playing this.
However, all simplicity is thrown out the window. This game is complex, even to an overbearing degree.
It's hard to care about the worldbuilding sometimes due to how complex the game is.
Good fun though.