Though the game is sadly no longer on iOS stores, I had an absolute BLAST playing this on my iPod Touch! Throwing on some background music and seeing how long I could go without crashing into any blocks really made homeroom and study hall fly by.

This was my first Crash game, and one of the first games I ever played! It holds a special place in my heart for that reason, however, I do not feel I got very far in the game to give it a proper review. Perhaps someday I'll go back to this title and give it a proper playthrough. For now, thanks for the memories. BOOYAKA!

A horror game short story that boasts how "messed up" it is, but sadly, you'll find worse things in an Xbox Live chatroom.

This game definitely had promise, even from a horror perspective. A short story where you're encouraged to type answers into a chatbox, we find ourselves in a "Class Reunion Chat Room" (hey that's the title of the game!) where our player character catches up with some old high school classmates. At first, all seems normal, until the classmates start talking about casual maiming and murder.

I won't go any further in case you decide to play this game for yourself (it only takes about a half an hour), but I can simply say I was disappointed with the ending. The only thing that was notable to me, was the artwork used for character designs.

My hope is this developer continues to make horror games in the future, and perhaps hones in on what worked for them- the fast pace, the music, the setting- and creates something great. It's not a BAD game by any means, but it does feel a bit forgettable.

An instant classic that harkens back to the old arcade days. Though I've never beaten this game, it's too fun not to go back and try!

The various weapons and characters offer a fun variety of playstyles, while also remaining somewhat the same. Stronger weapons can be acquired, and magic can be upgraded as time goes on. It doesn't matter if you summon fire, ice, etc., all magic packs a punch!

The humor is a bit crass, but it never bleeds into offensive or obnoxious. It's a product of its time in all the best ways.

I am in love with the comic/cartoon art style, everything looks so distinct. The boss battles are also memorable, primarily due to the stylistic choices of the developers.

Definitely a difficult game, at least for me. Difficult, but fun nonetheless. I recommend owning and playing this classic!

Ah, Candy Crush Saga. What is there to say about thee? That thine title of "Saga" is somehow trademarked? That your simple, yet addictive nature paved the way for shareholders to become more involved in gaming? That the capitalism of it all hath spread like a virus to other titles and genres, monetizing what were once complete products? Nay, I shan't place all the blame on thee. I can only watch in disgust.

You know what they say about reinventing the wheel? That's this game, right here. No one asked for Call of Duty in space. And if you were, Titanfall- a much superior game- was right there.

Advanced Warfare is as forgettable as they come. Back when Call of Duty was a yearly release, Advanced Warfare is especially egregious in its mediocrity. The only truly memorable things about this game are the fast-paced gunplay- signature to the CoD franchise- and Kevin Spacey.

This game was made during a time where real Hollywood actors were beginning to lend their performances to the video game space. If only it could have been done on a more lucrative and engaging title. Instead, everyone's talents are wasted in a run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter, "this will kill Halo" Activision title.

Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons can be played in about 3 hours, and that's about how long it'll take to make you cry.

Brothers is a unique game, in that you control two characters at the same time. A frustrating mechanic, as you're using one joystick (or set of directional keys) to control one character, and the other joystick/keys to control the other. It becomes confusing, keeping track of two characters being controlled by one person... but then again, I was never good at piano either. So. Perhaps pianists will have an easier time playing this game.

That all said, the story is incredible. Following two brothers as they search for a cure for their sick father, the game takes the player across a fantasy world inspired by Swedish folklore. Encountering monsters, puzzles, and colorful storybook environments made for a playthrough I won't soon forget.

I played through this on my YouTube channel in two parts, and my full thoughts can be found there:

I'll leave it at that, as I do not want to spoil the game in this log.

Largely the same as the first game with a much tighter focus on the story, this looter-shooter comes back with twice the zaniness.

While the story is a marginal improvement over the first game, the same tired "quirky" jokes and characters make their obnoxious appearances in this game. It almost feels like they've doubled down on the concept. But that's sequels for you, right?

The game itself is fun in a mechanical way. The gunplay feels smooth, and the character classes offer something new with each playthrough. But, much like the first game, I only had fun when I was playing with a group of friends. Solo play in these types of games is just not fun for me. Maybe it's me?

If you can catch this on sale (or, even better, free) then I recommend giving it a shot.

As someone who was never quite into looter-shooters, Borderlands at least takes the concept and wraps it up in a sticky candy wrapper that only gets tiring when you realize you have no one else to share it with.

Borderlands is fun. It's funny. Quirky. But playing by yourself, though possible, isn't as much fun. It encourages you to goof around with friends as the wacky characters cartwheel and explode in the background.

But beyond that, there's not much substance to it. You go to an area. You kill the enemies. You loot a vault. Maybe get a new gun. Repeat. Without a good group of friends to keep you company, you'll slowly go as insane as the Psychos you encounter.

I have very little memory of playing this, mainly because it's forgettable.

A perfect storm of cut content mixed with rushing a game out the door to coincide with a movie. I loved this game as a kid, but going back to it as an adult, it truly is terrible. The amount of content that was shown off in trailers and promotional pieces, that are completely missing from the final product, are astronomical. The game is held together by chewing gum and paperclips. The story makes NO sense whatsoever, even to a fan of BIONICLE.

Skip this title. Not even worth the bandwidth to pirate, if that's your thing. It's barely even worth a watch on YouTube, even though the entire game can be completed IN AN HOUR.

As much as I love the TT Lego Games, they just don't fit with the BIONICLE formula. It's so odd, because BIONICLE has such rich lore, and yet no good games exist for the franchise. Maybe one day we'll get a fan-made title that utilizes the Toa properly, but until then, this game is nothing but Lego Indiana Jones with Technic pins.

Side note- they picked the WORST era of BIONICLE to set this game. The people in charge of bringing BIONICLE to other media (movies/games/etc.) made some very strange decisions.

LET IT RIP... Let It Rest in Peace. Awful, awful game. You're better off going outside and playing with the real tops.

My first horror game, "Bendy and the Ink Machine" is full of jump scares and a creepy atmosphere that will surely manifest into a phobia of 1920s Mickey Mouse.

The story itself is interesting and unique, though the gameplay is a bit simple. I was surprised when I was placed into a boss battle, as the game seems more akin to puzzle solving and scares...not violent action. Sadly, things like this are where the game falters. One minute you'll be holding your breath hiding in a locker, waiting for some ink monster to pass by; the next, you'll be swinging an axe at faceless goo monsters, where each swing may or may not land.

Glitches and bugs also cause the game to break at times- I know one bug I ran into caused my game to freeze whenever I tried to pause. I could save my game, but the game would refuse to unpause, forcing me play the game in long, unsaved sessions. And THAT is TRULY terrifying.

Overall, the game is spooky and a great time if you want to be scared, but it does nothing groundbreaking for the genre. If you want to give it a chance, pick it up on sale.

I only played Chapter One, but it's your standard Telltale fare, this time with a Batman skin over it. The usual bugs and glitches with Telltale's engine are there, but the story seemed intriguing enough that I wanted to continue... I just didn't feel it was worth the price of admission.