Filler campaign doesn't even come close to describe this, Bungie actually said "Making good campaigns is hard, so we won't be doing that again", even the magic grappling hook sucked ass.

Very good and fun campaign, but obviously unfinished, with a generic open world structure, but the gameplay makes it work cause of how fun it is to grapple around and shoot Vanished. I really like the story direction, is a perfect mix between the Bungie era and the 343i style, dramatic but not overly so, with the best portrayal of Master Chief to the date, hopefully they will not abandon this arc and soft-reboot it again like they did with H4 and H5.

The infinite and unbeatable quest of Bungie, down and ups, goods and bads, they somehow manage to make a game that's the best and the worst example of it's genre.

Bungie manage to make an actual campaign, with actual missions and set pieces, they rembember how to make good videogames for a momenta, this should be the standard for all D2 expansion since the beginning and moving forward (oh boy I'm sure this statements won't age like milk)

Although it was great Fo76 add actual npcs back then when this came out, the actual story is kinda bad, and the eternal broken state of this game didn't help, obviously is way better this days, but still.

More AC Origins, it was nice seeing what Bayek and Aya were up to after all those years, seeing a more establish order, but the actual story wasn't that great, very one noted and with a weak plot-twist, I wasn't crazy about the base game and I'm not crazy about this DLC.

Mobile phone on a console. For some reason I got really mad at a level on operation D and said, "f*ck this game" and then deleted it.

More Far Cry, and I really like Far Cry, so a solid game overall, except the mindless "new" mechanics they add for no reason, like the different types of ammo (you can only use the piercing type and call it a day), the even more useless companions, the generic and one note story with the 10 minutes cameo of Giancarlo Esposito, but like I said, I like Far Cry and this is more of that.

More Far Cry, and I really like Far Cry, so a solid game overall, except the mindless "new" mechanics they add for no reason, like the different types of ammo, you can only use the piercing type and call it a day, the even more useless companions, the generic and one note story with the 10 minutes cameo of Giancarlo Esposito, but like I said, I like Far Cry and this is more of that

Stasis was kinda cool, but I also hate it for what it did to the pvp, the actual story was a forgettable fart, just random side quest with cinematics that explain the story time to time.

I'm gonna be real honest, I didn't like this game as much as other AC fans, is a solid one, but it doesn't reach it for me. Bayek is a decent character, but the story is really nothing special, it gets really repetitive, you arrive to a new place, you found out who's the objective, and that maybe they kill your son, there's a little plot twist, you kill the objective, they have a cool cinematic were they tell Bayek to go kill himself, continue to the next objective. The combat is a weak part as well, is a water down version of a souls-like game, with buggy hitboxes and barely telegraph moves. By far the best aspect is the time period, the map, beatiful full with detail I strongly recommend playing the discovery tour.

The conclusion of several gameplay mechanics seen in previous Rockstar titles, the driving of Midnight Club, the shooting of Max Payne 3, etc. I feel that the story is somewhat weak and even more so if we compare it with GTA 4, but it is to be expected being the first title with 3 protagonists, so the plot had to be divided between these three, but the missions themselves are one of the best, the vast majority are full of action and epic set pieces without losing the cinematography that characterizes this installment, from the bank robberies to the missions where you have to, from robing a Merryweather plane, to escaping with a biochemical weapon from a federal complex.

The best part of the entire DLC were those moments you step in the afterlife, the atmosphere and art direction of this places are top notch, the rest of it was not so great, another generic/boring story with character I barely remember and plenty of the worst boss fights in any game, my problem with the game's combat is just made 10 times worse with their half-ass Dark Souls fighting styles.

This could come out today and still be consider an awesome game, obviously this is a remaster, but it's still 90% the original release, good VA, decent story and fun gameplay. I HATE THE FINAL BOSS SO MUCH.

The 2nd best Far Cry DLC, both gameplay and thematically, it adds to the lore of Vass in a pretty smart and natural way, recontextualizing FC3 for the better. I've always enjoyed Ubisoft's experimentation with all the FC DLCs, even when they don't work, but I can say with confidence, this really works.