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Nyo followed Genacool243

2 hrs ago

SalIcarus completed Halo 3
dis was really fun!!!! da gunplay really fun, but there are some enemies dat take a lotta hits to finish off

7 days ago

Nyo reviewed Wii Play: Motion
It’s a shame Wii Play Motion seems to be lost to time. I enjoy all the unique minigames and uses of the Wii MotionPlus here. Each minigame being developed by a small scale studio close to Nintendo is also such a charming idea. It’s unlikely we will ever see a game like this made again, it’s too cute. It’s proof how the simple Wii Remote can do a lot to make an exciting experience not found in other games and consoles out there.

8 days ago

Nyo retired Wii Play: Motion
It’s a shame Wii Play Motion seems to be lost to time. I enjoy all the unique minigames and uses of the Wii MotionPlus here. Each minigame being developed by a small scale studio close to Nintendo is also such a charming idea. It’s unlikely we will ever see a game like this made again, it’s too cute. It’s proof how the simple Wii Remote can do a lot to make an exciting experience not found in other games and consoles out there.

8 days ago

8 days ago

Nyo wants Sushi Ben

8 days ago

SalIcarus shelved Astalon: Tears of the Earth
i really love dis game, it's really fun and da visuals and music is really great, but i think i progressed in a specific way dat i ended up soft-locking myself, i can't seem to find da items or abilities i need to progress despite backtracking to every room i can think of

other than dat, i kinda wish there were more shortcuts to get back to where you were after dying (dying is mandatory in dis game to get upgrades), cuz you always start at da tower's entrance and da elevator isn't enough of a shortcut most of da time

9 days ago

Nyo finished Splatoon 3
The campaign is the main highlight I found in Splatoon 3. All the new changes added to the multiplayer I didn’t click with much. Map design feels too cramped, Tri Color Battle is a mess, and the 2 new weapons aren’t that fun to play. It seems the campaign was inspired by the Octo Expansion, which I probably should check out in the future. I think I would have been okay if Splatoon 2 was the only entry on the Switch tbh. Still a fun addition to the Switch library to play with friends!

10 days ago

SalIcarus is now playing Halo 3

12 days ago

13 days ago

Nyo commented on Nyo's review of Sonic Rush Adventure
@electrode She’s not the best, but I can tolerate her. She sure does have a lot to say though…

14 days ago

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