This game is incredible. I've spent almost 90 hours just on the main story alone, I've not even touched the DLC yet. There is always something to do, always a machine to destroy or weapon to upgrade or a side quest to complete. Most of my time playing this game was running around admiring the beautiful scenery. Having played the first game, I thought the graphics were already stunning, but this game takes it to the next level and it is breathtaking. I always find that it must be difficult to follow on from such a good first game such as Zero Dawn, however Forbidden West takes everything from the first game and expands it and adds brand new things that now I can't play the first game without. The story was compelling and the more I played it the more I saw myself in the characters I was introduced to. This has definitely got to be in my top 10 best games of all time.

The visuals on this game are insane, and still hold up today. The story is gripping and intense. The combat, while sometimes getting a little repetitive, is still thrilling and sometimes a bit overwhelming when you're being swarmed by enemies all around you. The game is incredibly beautiful but dark and threatening and keeps you on your toes. The voices Senua hears creep me the fuck out constantly. My only issue is with how short the game is, only taking around 8 hours and I spent lots of time wandering around not doing a lot.

One of the best city builders I’ve ever played. It runs so well with hardly any bugs and there is so much potential for it to go even further!

Never in my life have I played a game so beautiful. I struggled to get into it but once I was playing I could not stop. The beauty of the world, the characters, the story, the action and consequences. All of it combine to make the best game that I've ever played.