A wonderful game, I played it with a friend in 3 days, it’s very beautiful, thanks to the unreal engine it looks magical, I was amazed by the variety of ideas in each location, thanks to the developers for this wonderful journey, it was a lot of fun.

I liked the game, I finished it with a friend in a couple of days, there was a problem with authentication, but we got over it, there are a lot of cliches in the game, I liked the ending, at least in the end the players were given a choice of how the game would end, although the player who is faster will win their ending clicks a button on the keyboard or gamepad, in general, as a game for a couple of evenings it’s quite normal.

one of the best shooters for spending time, there are many modes, rating, quick play, etc. I played almost 1000 hours, it doesn’t get boring, it’s always interesting to play, good graphics and optimization, Well, another interesting feature of this game is its difficult shooting, especially with the ak-47.

I really liked it as a game for Kinect, especially the storyline, yes, the plot is simple, but it is well suited for Kinect, each session was like going to the gym, the missions in space were very epic, the game gave me emotions, there were a few additional missions worse, I liked the racing, there are cut scenes, the other modes are like dancing, duels, smashing a building for a rancor, they are one time, but I will repeat, like a game for kinect that delivers so many emotions, probably not, unless you take some kind of just dance .

Compared to just dance, it’s hard to even call it a game, it took me 10 minutes, my friends would have died of boredom

I played for 2 hours, passed almost all the levels, got tired of it, didn’t go any further, the obstacles are certainly interesting, but only at first, then everything repeats itself and gets boring

The game consists of 3 maps, you play either as a driver or as a turret, in general I completed the tracks in one hour, there is nothing further to do in it, the cars are kind of monotonous, you can’t open new ones, the controls are not responsive, the game is empty and there is nothing to do in it

Boring, stuffy game, there is no variety in shooting, everything is the same, I quickly got tired of it.

An ordinary platformer, it’s interesting to play, but the game is very difficult for me, after each level I can’t feel my fingers, unfortunately I couldn’t complete it, it will appeal to those who like difficult platformers

a very boring game, there is literally nothing to do in it, I drove a couple of tracks and that’s it, the physics is not very good, there are few tracks, there are very few motorcycles and customization, in fact, in order to open the next tracks I have to drive the same tracks on the same ones motorcycles and ATVs, there is no content in the game at all

I finished the first episode, there wasn’t enough action for me, I constantly completed puzzles, sometimes I used YouTube to complete them, the graphics are certainly soapy, although if there is good lighting in the room, the model looks good, at least for the xbox 360, in general, by the end of the chapter I wanted to get through it as quickly as possible , there is no desire to move on to the next one, it’s just that in the game you just wander around locations, solve puzzles for hours and kill a couple of zombies, it’s quite tiring.

Unfortunately there is no online in 2023, it is safe to say that online is dead in this game, there is nothing more to do without it, missions with bots are boring, I really liked the sounds of weapons, graphics and atmosphere, but after a couple of days I completed all the tasks with bots it was pretty boring, there is no storyline, in fact only the maps change, but everything is the same, control on fighters is poorly implemented, aiming at the target does not work normally

Unlike the PC version, this game is terrible, there is little FPS, the controls are not convenient, the game often caused my xbox 360 to freeze, there are few modes, the game quickly gets boring, you just want to go and turn on the PC version

The game has a terrible camera, it’s impossible to turn around and aim at the enemy normally, the levels are boring, the opponents are the same, I didn’t like the plot, during the passage of this game I wanted this torture to end faster

At first I thought it was a good old game, but in the process of passing the game I was disappointed, very stupid ai, these bots just stand still, they don’t respond to commands, while you captured one point, the enemy is already at another and my bots just often stood still, now this part is not playable.