Honestly a pretty solid game to be fair. It takes a lot of inspiration from other games like Metro so it's hard to recommend without adding "but if it's the X you're interested in then Y does it better", but overall it's not half bad.

For a PS5 enhanced edition it still doesn't exactly look great, and clipping textures weren't uncommon, but idk I don't really care about stuff like that anyway. The load times were kinda long which was weird, but oh well. Other than that though I had a good time with it!

Gunplay feels pretty good, the inventory and weapon customisation was fairly standard/limited but it worked and I felt like I could play how I wanted/adapt to different situations well. The characters were present enough that I spoke and listened to them but I wouldn't call them memorable. The enemy designs and such are about what you'd expect from a Terminator game so I don't have much to say there either...

Man my reviews this year are starting weak as hell I don't have anything to say about either of my first two games lol. It's a Terminator game that's kinda similar to Metro Exodus but way smaller scale and lower budget. I thought it was pretty neat :p

Currently loaning my switch to a friend while he's in hospital (he's fine dw) so Xenoblade 2 is yet again on hold.
Hoping to get started with Horizon Forbidden West tomorrow and maybe chip away at some unfinished PS games or try out some short/sweet indies I was gifted on Steam, either way January isn't shaping up to be a very interesting month for completions :(

Great little game! The art style really works with this type of game and does a lot to give a relatively 'basic' sports title a lot more personality than it could've had without. There isn't a whole lot to this one to be honest, but the gameplay loop is the selling point and you already know how fun it is.

I played this using a mouse and keyboard (despite all common sense) and even with this handicap I managed to have a really good time and feel myself improving the more I played. The challenges on each stage do a fantastic job at encouraging you to mix up yout play style a bit and the complexity of them amps as the levels go on.

Biggest letdown overall really is that there aren't too many levels in total and the final boss is just, ugh. For a game about flashy tricks and badass combos ending it with a boss battle that throws so much at you all at once you're essentially forced to do nothing but dodge is a huge shame, and gives the game's finale a bitter taste, rather than a triumphant one.

That said, if the gameplay interests you even a little, I'm sure there's a lot of fun to be had. Definitely recommend picking up :)

(and of course big thank you to the missus for gifting this for christmas knowing I was too stubborn to buy it myself even though I'd like it :p)

How funny it is that despite all my efforts to beat it sooner, I would complete Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on Friday the 13th, as my 4th completion for 2023. With the date being considered unlucky here in the West, and the number 4 being considered unlucky in the East.. It’s almost poetic that even the finale wasn’t safe from my misfortune.

To those who may not know, the majority of this game was played at my mother’s house, where I lived for about half of December due to a fault at my own home that left me without central heating. Simultaneously making for a pretty bad situation, that resulted in me being almost forced to play a game that I’d been really wanting to, but struggling to put on when at home. On the contrary, as I played out the finale late last night, beating the final boss and bringing this epic journey to an end, I received an urgent call from my brother… For those of you that know why they consider the number 4 to be unlucky in Japan, well.. It was a long time coming, we’re all okay, but it made for a pretty significant weight to be added as I paused the closing cinematic 5 minutes before the end, only finishing it hours later.

As you can imagine, these things alone have solidified that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will forever live in my memory as a game of great conflict, but through it all I honestly find this to be appropriate. The highs are immense, in some parts even towering over those of its predecessor, but the lows are so, so low, that at times I genuinely considered skipping to the third entry, and even gave the game a placeholder score of 3/5

For the first 40 or so hours, I noted down some of my thoughts in order to remember them for this review, but by the time I’d gotten properly into the game, I sort of did away with this and just enjoyed it instead. Therefore, the following will be a series of my notes as I wrote them, and where necessary they’ll be responded to with my current thoughts to see what’s changed. All I’ll say upfront is that I love this game, but I also really fucking hate it lol. (for fun, I’ll put my bullet points in [ ] indicators so you can see what exactly I wrote down lol)

Please enjoy the rambles of a madman fighting with his heart as he falls victim to yet another flawed JRPG 🙂

The first thing I’d like to talk about is the world, more specifically the map. The world designs are pretty great, they’re all grand and diverse like in the first game, maybe even more so to be honest, but my god do they not want you to traverse it. The [map is dogshit]. The player icon on the minimap uses the pointy end to indicate the way you're facing, but the main map always has the pointy end at the bottom, so everytime I check to see which way I need to go I think I'm facing south. It's also really bad at indicating paths to higher/lower levels, honestly just awful to navigate in general. You’re given nothing but a waypoint and a compass but if the way there requires going through a building to the West or an underground cave or even up over a tree, good luck finding that without looking it up online :) This is significantly worse in 2 or 3 areas with most of them being bad but not completely awful, but when I cross a bridge and the compass says “go straight” and there are stairs directly in front of me, I don’t expect to have to go around the stairs to an unmarked path.

The second thing is interesting because I’ve done such a 180 on it. In my notes I wrote down [combat is a step down from the first game] - At the time I didn't understand it very well and was just pushing the prompts when they lit up, even saying that it “feels like I'm player 2 or something, I can't strategize at all bc I don't even know why I'm winning”-- This is partly on me, but I can’t forgive the game for doing such an abysmal job with the tutorials. It’ll teach you how to do something once, and then you may not even be able to set up the execution again for hours, and there’s no way to check how exactly the combat works. The closest thing to a reminder is a control scheme which doesn’t explain how to use the combat effectively. However, after looking up a tutorial online on how to use blade combos and chain attacks, the combat in XC2, for me, now surpasses that of the first. There’s a lot to it, but once you get your head around it you really can win just about any fight by tweaking your team a little, making grinding much less necessary than previously. It’s great fun, it’s flashy, I love it.

Another complete 180 I pulled: [Characters are great, not quite XC1 level] – I can only assume that at this point in the game I was spending 90% of my time lost, and 10% of my time watching the party talk about something I’d forgotten we were doing. By the end of the game I can safely say that I fucking love the cast of XC2. I loved XC1’s group as well, but 2’s party all feel a bit more genuine and memorable to me. I have fond memories of almost every member for their own reasons and they all shine and grow in different ways. Comparatively, when I think of XC1, I remember Shulk, Reyn and Sharla fondly, but everyone else is a blur. I think this is largely due to the Heart-to-Heart scenes not being locked behind ridiculous requirements. A much needed change that makes 2 feel a lot more like a journey with friends than a journey with a couple friends and then people that tag along. (That’s a bit harsh/extreme but you get my point lol)

One thing that I have surprisingly little to say about, is the story. The characters and the world
‘Got’ me so much that even though I followed and enjoyed the story a lot I can’t really find anything to say about it. It’s a story of people and existence, tackles some really big questions about why different species exist, what purpose they serve, and most importantly it’s about perspective. What happens when an open question can have wildly conflicting answers? How could you ever know who is doing the right thing? If you are doing the right thing… This game has such a strong optimism through Rex that all people have the potential to be good, and even those who are doing wrong are simply misguided, and idk it’s not exactly a new concept but it’s executed so well that the entire game is brimming with hope, and that’s pretty amazing.
(For consistency, my note said [story good so far] lol)

I’ll try to wrap it up because I’ve hit the major beats by now, the rest of my notes were petty nitpicks or things that annoyed me to great length at that one time lol. To quickfire a few positives I’d like to say that the Blade system is really cool and I love how many rare blades have their own designs and even characters/side quests – it’s just a shame how unlucky I got with pulling them, at least 10 legendary cores gave me common blades and about 20 rare ones did the same :(
Furthermore, Nia’s voice is my favourite, maybe ever. (In contrast, Rex’s outfit is literally the ugliest thing I’ve ever laid eyes upon). The side quests are still not really worth doing imo, and the only one I made a point of doing was for a Poppi upgrade which I really wanted.. Man this quest nearly broke me. I had to go to 3 areas that I’d never been to before and bc the map is so ass I needed to follow videos for them all, and run past level 86 enemies that killed me instantly. All so I could run up to a glowing spot, press A to pick up a stick, fast travel back and do it again… What a boring fucking quest to do something so important. Sending mercs on a 30 minute mission and going to pick up dirt while I wait for them to get back. That quest took me like 2 hours and I fought 1 enemy during it, I was so pissed lol.
One final gripe, the characters and blades all talk soooo much during combat, and normally this doesn’t bother me at all (especially when Nia😌) but at some points a boss will speak to you about plot stuff during combat and you can’t fkn hear them over your party going “We can get them if we fight as one!” and shit lmao

Alright, I’m done. If you can’t tell by now, my relationship with this game has been hot and cold, but I can confidently say that I am truly grateful I stuck with it and in spite of it all will retain the good a lot stronger than the bad. Sure some of it is a huge slog, and it doesn’t explain anything very well, you will probably need youtube guides just to find where you’re going. But once you get there? Man. This game is fantastic.
It has a reputation of being horny and silly, and it definitely is at times, but there is so much more to it than that it’s almost a shame that it’s reputation almost encourages people to skip it. If you liked XC1, or even if you’ve played XC3 already, please give XC2 a chance.

This has run on far, far too long at this point but, well you knew what you were getting into lol.
Thanks for sticking it out this far guys, I hope you’re all having a great January. You’ll be glad to know my next JRPG completion won’t be for a good while, so only shorter reviews until then :p

Until next time :)

Freebird Games really never fails to disappoint.

These games are made in such a way that despite the pixelated art style and at times basically being a visual novel that you walk through, they consistently succeed at hitting heavy punches and making the characters feel more alive than I would expect. Even just subtle things like characters readjusting their seated position between lines go a long way to build immersion and help combat the feeling that you're just reading a screen.

The main reason I've given this entry a 4/5 is hard to talk about, because the game works hard to subvert expectations in a way that I expect is quite unlikely to see coming. So in the vaguest way possible, I'll just say that the first hour had me excited to play one type of game/story, but within a couple of hours it became clear that what I thought I was in for, was not the case. This isn't a bad thing, and what I got was still fantastic, but it's a shame that my excitement for the former being left hanging resulted in me taking longer to really get into the reality -- or more accurately, I was somewhat distracted throughout a lot of the game, wondering how the opening was relevant or necessary to what was unfolding.

Perhaps I would've preferred if they'd stuck to the formula a bit more, but I appreciate them trying new things and as above they still delivered on what they did very well :)

Overall this was a delight, all the same charm and emotion you'd expect from these devs. If you've played the others definitely give this a try, just be sure to play the games in release order as while not directly connected there are absolutely some callbacks in this that will be lost on you

P.S. You don't need me to tell you but the music is superb, as always 😌

It's cute and quirky, I can't say with certainty if this was due to my PC/controller but the camera was such a massive hinderance any time it wasn't fixed I'd often have to try to figure out where to go while spinning, which when there's so much platforming made a lot of the game a chore to play.

Hopefully this is fixed in their later titles because otherwise this was pretty chill time

An ambitious next step for Frogwares who have made clear by now that they’re not content with simply putting out the same game with new cases, in favour of releasing Sherlock games so vastly different they’re barely connected, if at all.

In the latest entry to date, they push the boat even further by taking us back to a younger Sherlock, revisiting his childhood home on the islands. No London, no 221B, almost none of the iconic characters we know and love, and he’s even sporting a new “hot” almost gothic look. Admittedly, I was initially worried that this might fall into a similar trap as DmC did, what with the whole “reimagining” of the protagonist resulting in such a heavy attempt to make them cool and likable that they became anything but, so I’m really glad to say that this isn’t the case!
Sherlock Chapter One takes some chances for sure, implementing an open world of sorts, with cases that can be tackled whenever you so choose. The map isn’t littered with collectables or an abundance of menial cases, so while it may seem unnecessary or even overwhelming at first, it very quickly just, works. This game feels much more like I am going around investigating rather than simply fast traveling between key locations (although you can do that ofc) and the fact there are NPCs outside of the cases just makes the city feel more alive I suppose.

There are a few other things that you mightn’t expect from a Sherlock game: Bandit Lairs which can be completed, consisting of a combat minigame in which you can arrest (or kill) enemies – these reward money used for the next thing I’ll mention, but are completely optional and better still - Limited to only 5 across the whole map 😌

There’s also some customisation which is always fun, and the money you earn can be used to buy a pretty decent selection of clothes and accessories, the citizens around you will even treat you differently based on what you’re wearing, being more or less cooperative depending on how they feel about your drip. Due to this, dressing the part before asking around is something you’ll have to think about, and I just think that’s neat. (Also you can wear women's clothing so brownie points for that)

As for the real meat of the game, the investigations are as fun as ever, and the interrogations/dialogue in general remain my favourite part. There’s just something about picking holes in someone’s story or sassing them to their face that they’ve been ‘ad that this game really hits on the head. The overarching story has been an interesting one as well, not sure I’m completely in love with everything they did but it provided a throughline that didn’t feel unnatural and allowed for a dynamic that would’ve otherwise felt lacking.

Overall, if you’re into investigation games or you’ve played the earlier entries, this one is definitely worth a look. I can assure you right now that it’s not just “hot gothic Sherlock thinks he’s so cool” lol

Looking forward to the new one set to release this year! :)

Absolutely fantastic expansion. The smaller scale lends itself really well to the story and the new combat system compensates for the smaller cast by allowing each member to have 2 blades each.

The battle system itself is really fun to use, being mostly similar to the main title but with some differences both better and, not worse, but not as good imo. The blade combos being more flexible makes them easier to understand on a base level but the secrecy behind which combos grant bonus damage is a bit disappointing.

Anyway besides that almost every complaint I had about XC2 is gone from this, and while I prefer the cast/story overall of the main game as a standalone expansion this is great in both those regards. The only reason I'm giving this 4.5 instead of 5 is due to the baffling decision to force the Community Level being increased to Level 4 to progress the story.

In order to progress this: you need to complete side quests... -_- Most of these weren't that bad to be fair, leveling from 1 to 2 at the first block was perfectly fine, just 2 hours of mostly combat or exploration, no problem. But having to then go and recruit 32 more supporters (twice as many as the first time) was just bruh. It took twice as long, and the more quests you do the fewer options there are, until by the end you're almost forced to do one of the far-too-many "hey go collect a shit load of this thing for me" quests which I really do not enjoy. Shifting that down to Level 3 in order to force players to do more combat/exploration through side quests (and just spend more time with the party in general) would've been perfectly acceptable, but requiring Level 4 is just bizarre and sours an otherwise near perfect expansion.

Overall, this is probably a little better than XC2 in terms of structure and being far less frustrating as a whole. If you played that then this is 100% worth your time :)

Man, I really hope more of this series gets localised, especially future releases.

This game is so all over the place in it's vibe but it is exactly the sort of shit that I get really into for no clear reason. Some of it is unintentionally hilarious, and a lot of the actually dark/touching scenes are near ruined by their presentation (or just happening immediately after something utterly ridiculous) but the whole thing was fascinating and genuinely entertaining.

Really cool seeing how things changed over the 6 days in-game, and revisiting places/meeting back up with people is a cool concept. In a way the game being such a mess served well to keep me in a constant state of never knowing what was around the corner, befitting of a disaster situation but not at all in a way that was appropriate for a lot of its moments.

I recall ages ago someone recommended that I play this drunk with friends but honestly binging the whole thing (both endings and platinum with a guide) in a single, 15ish hour run made for exactly the kind of time I was hoping for 😌
Ultimately, I can't really recommend this game to anyone unless you're already captivated by the idea of going around an area during a crisis trying to help people and shit but I can promise anyone who is tempted that it is not just 12+ hours of calling out and helping people trapped under rubble. Game is honestly like the fkn domino meme with how unexpected some of the things that happen are lol.

Overall I'm actually really glad I gave this a chance, I don't even remember how it got on my radar to begin with but the thought of playing it hasn't left my mind for a few years now, so this is a great relief and a huge win :) Hopefully 5 isn't too far away, I'd be happy paying for that one when it drops lol

Anyway thanks for reading y'all, if anyone knows of any games/series even remotely similar to this please let me know! I've got a feeling Shenmue might fit the boot but idk, looks more just slow and boring but could be wrong. Til next time <3

P.S. Been on a roll this month and haven't reviewed the past few games, not sure if I will. tl;dr Dead Rising 2 and 1 are both clunky and survivors are hellish. 2 is a clear improvement but nostalgia and the addictive gameplay loop makes them both fun (3 is best tho) -- Kena was super cute and the collectibles weren't as bad as expected but the combat really brings it down for me, I suck fs but it just didn't need to be that hard/awkward for a game that sold itself on being adorable (bc it is)

I very nearly dropped this game to a 4.5 because of how fkn annoying it is having to replay certain sections if you die to bosses (even using the warp spell) but honestly the soundtrack alone convinced me otherwise.

Time-wasting bullshit isn't what I'll remember this game for, it's the superb soundtrack, interesting and diverse dungeons/bosses and honestly just how neat the concepts are. Both that of using the ocarina to achieve the things that it can, and the fact alone that your destiny as the hero forces you to just fast-forward past 7 years of your life so you're tall enough to hold a sword lol.

I know I've already praise the ost out the ass, but as 26 year old whose been gaming for most of his life and somehow never touched this title personally, it was really quite something hearing so many songs from it and excitedly thinking "Oh!! So this is what that's from!" -- It was like finally seeing a movie I'd been hearing through the walls my whole life. I hope this makes sense but idk, it was cool :p

Anyway, you don't need me to tell you how iconic this game is, the variety in just about everything, including your inventory and their uses, makes this a pretty solid occasionally time-wasting bullshit adventure game 😌
(It also made for a perfect excuse to whip out my 3DS after years of neglect, something I hope to keep up as I move onto another classic that passed me by: Dragon Quest VIII)

Thanks all, hope you had a great January :D

This came out of nowhere as a cheap and easy way to hit 15 completions this month, so the last thing I expected was for it to genuinely improve my mood. Very sweet and entertaining look at something that should only be trivialised in the way that it is here. I like it :)

Absolutely fantastic collection. I struggle to think of another series so... complete? Everything that happens in each game is directly related to something in another. Every planet, race and character has lore and history. So many major conflicts and key details about things that may be discussed or learned about during a mission are built upon down the line, often tying into the story in ways far more significant than I would've expected. Rarely is something explained without later being shown, it's pretty amazing, and it makes every resolution to a conflict all that more fulfilling.

I could understand the complaint that Shepard serves as this Mary Sue of the universe, somehow becoming involved with just about everything and always at the forefront to correcting anything that can be, but honestly I can't agree with that being a negative. Commander Shepard is a hero, and I finally see now why the character is so beloved by so many.

It's strange to think that games with so much player-input and dialogue options could still have a protagonist that doesn't feel like a self-insert. Despite me choosing everything that she said, I still found myself looking at Shepard and respecting her as a character. I'm not sure how to really explain this but idk, I really love this series.

I've reviewed 1 and 2 already (although my review of 2 is p much just adrenaline-fuelled gushing bc I love it so much), I'm hoping to review 3 on its own page as well but as of right now I'm almost overwhelmed with the simple fact the journey is over. All I know for sure is that I loved it, this franchise has skyrocketed to my favourites of all time and while I understand why 3's ending is divisive I can't understand how anyone could call it bad.

That's all from me, this collection was free on PS+ recently, anyone that has that has no excuse not to experience it for themselves :p

Unmatched. I would die for Ellie and I'd take the planet with me if I had to.

Man, I hate how this game became the posterchild for 'any press is good press' -- I don't wanna get into the controversy but I promise I got this at a discounted price :p

Hogwarts Legacy is pretty good ngl. I completely understand how some (many) may call this a typical overpopulated open world game, filled to the brim with 603 collectibles which is at least 400 too many yada yada, but idk, it just clicked for me.
A few years ago I had a similar experience with Assassin's Creed Odyssey where I just got so sucked into the world, so addicted that spending 10 hours collecting shit went by in a flash because it just never stopped being fun, right up until I platinumed it after what was essentially a 3-week binge.

If you can't tell already, the similarities in structure between this and that had me hooked instantly. It looked overwhelming at first but once I was in it finding 10 field guide pages within seconds of each other, oh yeah, it was all coming together. [side note I did play AC Valhalla too but I dropped it bc holy shit that was too much]
Hogwarts was not too much :) In fact, it's about 1/3 the length of AC Odyssey, so honestly I'm sorry but this game was tailor made for me lol.

I've already talked too much and I've been lost in this game for so long I'm just gunna speed through the actual points I have to make.

The story is fairly safe overall, the ancient magic angle works well to explain how your lil protag can be so strong in a way that doesn't feel out of place. What does feel out of place, however, is how little the characters react to some of the things that happen. One of the first scenes in the game has someone die in front of their friend and literally 2 mins later he's just like "ahhh, so this is what he died for" -BRO!? Your boy literally just bit it right in front of you😭

The setting is pretty great in my opinion, the open world gets a bit samey but it's not humungous or anything so you can still find your way around. Hogwarts Castle though? Chefs kiss honestly. There are little hidden passageways and secrets and shit all over the place. The magic definitely wears off over time, but even when it does it's still just, neat. There's nothing annoying or whatever, no waiting 20 mins for stairs to move, very well crafted.

The nostalgia is undeniable, inevitable, it's the whole reason this game was given a Hogwarts theme at all lets be honest. It's not overdone, it's not in your face, it's (for the most part) its own thing that us millenials and older zoomers can be like "ayo, it's the thing!" but than widdle baby zoomers can just be like "lol frogs in a choir" - everybody wins :p

The combat was actually a lot better than I expected. This, again, worked similarly to AC Odyssey but the variety of spells and combinations you can do with them was fun. Enemies having shields that needed certain types of attack to break was nice and the duel challenges in every battle were a great way to keep you trying new things without being distracting or overbearing.

The characters are kinda funny in this, a lot of them are pretty stiff or seem like they're gunna be more important than they are lol. But others are pretty well fleshed out and the three relationship questlines especially were nicely done. Sebastian is sure to be a favourite due to his arc but Poppy is my child and I hope she's in every sequel until she passes the torch to Molly Weasley as sweetest bean.

I think that'll do it anyway I've already turned my short review into a short novel. Overall I think this is a genuinely decent, maybe even good game that many people can and should enjoy, even if not as much as I did :)

P.S. This game has a glitched quest that's preventing me from getting 4 trophies, and a glitched trophy that's not recognising my final merlin trial. These 5 trophies are all I have left and I'm going to cry.

Fuck J.K. Rowling.

As this is an Xbox-exclusive, my partner has no means of playing it, and therefore it's truly awful. Honestly dogshit and she'd definitely hate it fr fr. Not missing out at all :)

Jokes aside, holy shit this game has charisma! This was a game that would keep coming up in conversation but that I'd always just forget about. - If it's not Resident Evil 4 or Final Fantasy 16 then it's not on my radar, sorry - Needless to say, I didn't really know what this was or what to expect from it.

I recently re-subbed to Gamepass in an attempt to use my PC more and play some new games without having to pay full price. So one day I'm going through the library and naming off anything I recognise as new, until I mention this... If you've heard any of the reception to this game, you can probably guess that I was then held at gunpoint and told that I "absolutely have to play it" on behalf of my gf , and that's exactly what happened. (dramatised)

Starting out, admittedly the on-beat gameplay would grow kinda tiresome after a while. I was only doing a level at a time for about half the game, eventually even wishing that it was half the length because always doing the same tempo was getting monotonous. To my surprise, this would go on to be pretty much my only complaint about the title, and enough mechanics are added as the game goes on that at least the latter half of the game didn't suffer from it.

The characters in Hi-Fi Rush are so easy to love, almost the whole cast have their own quirks and watching the gang all grow closer together is really hype. The entire game has such a charm to it that's complimented endlessly by the art and writing styles, all culminating together into a vibe that's just, fun! There's such a feelgood energy behind everything and the more I got into it, it only seemed to get better.

The story is noticeably derivative of things that we've seen before, but as with everything else the personality of the game shines through and makes it feel like it's own thing. There are some twists and developments that you may see coming for sure, but even if you do it's just really quite hard to hate on the game thanks to it's presentation and the performances of the cast.
[There are also a few beats/elements that remind me of my all-time fave game, so I may be a little biased. But I can't stop the influence of that improving my experiences with other games, nor am I sorry for it!😤]

All in all, Hi-Fi Rush is excellent! If you have an XBOX or PC then definitely check it out, even moreso if you have Gamepass anyway. You're in for a super great time, adorable mascot and of course, Peppermint😌
[If you don't have access to it then it's actually a total snoozefest and I was paid to say all that don't worry :)]

That's all from me folks, if this review reads weird it's because I'd actually written the whole thing (longer than this even) but then closed the tab and lost it all, so this is a somewhat abridged / 'from memory' version lol
Hope you're having a great week!🙏

Surprisingly fun time, got me much more excited for the sequel :)

Personally, I've never been massive into Star Wars; my attempt at initiation was binging 1 through 6 numerically in one sitting, so I slept through most of the original trilogy. I'm also not particularly good at playing soulslikes. I really enjoyed Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3, but I need to be in a very specific mood to play for more than an hour or two, and I was only able to beat either of those because I had someone sat next to me egging my pride along (and helping with directions/strats)

As you can imagine, a Star Wars soulslike-ish wasn't the most appealing game in the world to me back when it released, and although all my friends recommended it and everything, I only got the final push I needed to actually play it last year when I was going over my backlog with my gf (a former Star Wars ... whatever their Trekkie equivalent is idk lol)

At first the combat hit me kinda hard, as it always does in these games, but the traversal, puzzles and mechanics obviously make for a very different experience to what I was used to. I didn't stick with it long term when I first played because I was doing so much else, but coming back to binge it on a weekend (and dropping it to baby mode partway through) resulted in me having a pretty consistently great time with it.

I don't have a whole lot to say being honest - rambles aside - but I'm hoping that the sequel addresses the maps somehow, because for as well crafted as they are, they can also be pretty confusing to navigate. Which is made worse once you've opened a bunch of shortcuts and can't tell which path takes you where you need anymore. First visits are fine, but subsequent ones always had me lost. I know waypoints and guide lines aren't very soulsy but I feel like BD-1 should offer something without it breaking immersion. And for christ's sake let me fast travel between meditation spots when I'm not locked into the story!

All in all this was about as good as I expected it to be, which I appreciate means almost nothing but hopefully shows how little I have to say lol. The story was interesting but I'm really not sure what they were setting up. I didn't dislike the ending it just didn't leave anything I could recall that would be an obvious assumption for the sequel. Also an inclusion in the finale felt kinda weird, y'all know.

That's it from me I've said nothing in too many words as per, thanks for reading and I hope you're having a good weekend! 🙏