Bullets Dodged

A list for games that had my attention at one point, but for whatever reason I decided not to pull the trigger on. And dodged a bullet in the process.

lol fuck me man, the reviews almost had me.
Now this seemed like the perfect game for me. Open world, RPG, no hyper realistic human characters. Something unique and fresh. Unfortunately when it released I was busy with other games and decided not to purchase it right away. Fortunately, that ended up being a smart move. Gotta say, this one hurts.
Words cannot describe my disappointment with this mess. Can someone, anyone, please make a good werewolf game? Please?
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Cyberpunk was the most anticipated game of the generation. And while it would be unfair to expect it to live up to all that hype (event though said hype was generated by CDPR themselves) I don't think anyone could've predicted such a monumental crash and burn. I've had a policy of no preorders from the beginning and this was definitely a reminder of why.
The Last of Us is one of the most effective gaming experiences I've ever had and it stayed with me for years after the fact. That said, from the very beginning I hoped it would never get a sequel. One of the best things about the game, imho was its ending, and any sequel had a high chance of ruining that. So while I wasn't ever excited for Part II, I was almost convinced to give it a try. When the leaks started happening I decided to hold off and I'm very glad I did. Actually playing this game myself would have been devastating.
I fall victim to nostalgia all the time, but this game is a prime example of why some things need to stay in the past.
After being burned like never before by ME3 I decided to hold off on Andromeda until player reviews started rolling in. A wise decision, that.
I love skateboarding games (and skateboarding) and the love of both can be traced back to the original Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. So after a long dry spell in the skateboard game genre this seemed like a dream come true. What we got instead was more akin to a nightmare that seemingly killed off the entire genre for good. (But then the excellent Tony Hawk remake dropped in 2020 and suddenly the future of the genre isn't quite so bleak.)
The trailers for this thing were hype as fuck. What the fuck happened?
Count me as one of the many who were hyped as fuck for this game. Fortunately I didn't buy it day one. The rest is history.
A return to form for my beloved childhood hero? Oh. No. No it is not.
I'm an old-school Sonic fan who's just never been able to vibe with any 3D Sonic games. As such I've passed on quite a few over the years but this one was definitely the best pass of the bunch.


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