I know this may be sacrilege to some people, but this was just okay.
I think I would've found this game more charming had I played the original with a good ol' CRT, or perhaps if I played this at an arcade.

Really cool little puzzle game.

Loved the vibe and aesthetic of this game; the electronic music and sci-fi HUD were great 👌

The puzzles were mostly quite easy but they did require a bit more thinking towards the end, but the various mechanics it introduced throughout like time travel and wormholes made it super fun to figure out 😄

If someone wants a cool puzzle game they can complete in under an hour, have a go at this one 😃

Mildly fun but mostly average pack-in-wii-sports-wannabe minigame collection overpriced at £50 at the Switch's launch.
Breath of the Wild was also available at launch.


Sad about the spider's fate 😔
Really enjoyed the aesthetic of this, only played this because I remember this game was covered by every YouTuber way back when. Ultimately, I probably won't remember this game much.

When I saw that the BBC had made a new browser game for Doctor Who I was a little excited. I have great nostalgia for the classic Doctor Who Flash games from years ago... Unfortunately this is absolutely, hilariously, terrible.

This game is just rotating a single paddle around a circle and seeing how many times you can bounce the TARDIS.png without it floating away.

This must be someone's Year 8 Computer Science homework uploaded onto a BBC website because it's just... this is actually Slitheen Surfer-tier content. And at least that was funny.

I'm still hoping for a Doctor Who browser game renaissance some day. Fill up that Game tab on the website.

Mildy entertaining mobile game.

The levels can be quite typical stuff but if you try collecting all the special coins then the one-handed gameplay becomes quite challenging. There are 3 sets of 5 different coloured coins in each level and adds replayability, it may even alter the level in small ways to make coins hard to reach. But it's still basically playing the same level 3 times.
The Remix mode is fun. It can be difficult to get some of the star coins since once you've chosen one way to go you find out the coin is on another platform. Perhaps that's just my skill issue. Also.. the music. It sounded like a pretty nice remix of different Mario themes but where tf did those vocals come from lol. It really could've done without them. "Show me your love" ??? But hey, they give you the option to play your own music while playing which is pretty cool.
Toad Rally is eh.

======| Please pay £5.99 for the Full Review |======

(I did not pay to play the rest of this game)

That one game I played for an accumulative 5 minutes when it was big.

Just checked, this game is still online goddamn.

Classic game. Fairly average, but WaterFlame's music makes it very nostalgic.

Looks prettier. When it had the play music from YouTube feature this game was a great improvement, but since it was removed I just find myself playing the first one out of nostalgia. This one does have a couple more fun modes though.

Was thinking of repurchasing this out of nostalgia. But never mind. Turns out they've pulled this from all app stores just today. Sad.
They rather people played the free-to-play, mtx filled current games. Once again, mobile gaming was much better 11+ years ago.

Genuinely prefer this to Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. The steering of the cars feel much better and has a fun amount of jank for funky shortcuts.
I also enjoy the simplicity of not having the transformations like the next game. I also don't mind the announcer, I kinda like it just because it really gives me that arcade feel like with the Mario Kart GP games.
However, the items are hit and miss. Especially that bloody star attack that FLIPS YOUR SCREEN UPSIDE DOWN MID RACE. Literally nauseating. If that weren't a thing then this is a truly solid basic kart racer. 👍

The actual last piece of Portal media we'll ever get. Sadge.

Very cool to see the unused story from Portal 2 get realised though.

Played this on an Atari 10-in-1 as a kid.

Genuinely used to frighten me this game, getting chased by those ducks dragons. Couldn't complete complete Level 2 or 3 because those dark rooms got a nope from me.

An online collectible card game based on Doctor Who seems like a really cool idea. Sadly it's tainted by blockchain NFT garbage.
The official website sells "Founders Tokens" for £1,000 each and the marketplace has cards going for £8,000. Wtf is this.
No wonder I never see any online DW accounts advertise this game, it might be in its Alpha/Beta but it's a horrific situation to look at.

I can't really review anything else as it's still being made, although 2 years of development and it's as lifeless and cheap-looking for a trading card game as it is. I dunno chief.

Very good, drifting feels great. However perhaps a little "over-polished" as Lakitu prevents a lot of good jank; something Mario Kart Wii would've let slide. Booster Course Pass re-implements a bit of it into the game though.

I've heard some say 200cc is bad due to tracks not being made with it in mind, I disagree and think it's a great way to make the game more challenging.

The base game tracks look phenomenal. You forget it's a Wii U port. How did they do it? And the Booster Course Pass is a mobile game port so go figure (bad).

Again, fantastic. The live music is awesome to listen to, and 75% of my excitement when waiting to hear which old track was getting included in the DLC was unironically because of getting to hear its music remastered.

Is good. The last update added room codes so it got even easier. Only thing I can think to comment is I wish you could select a track from the full list instead of a random roulette of courses. Sometimes I feel the same 3 tracks appear too often.

Save for my nostalgia for Mario Kart Wii, this is probably the peak of Mario Kart at the moment in terms of content, gameplay, music... almost everything. Just a little over-polished and I think it misses a bit of the fun jank from previous entries.

There's no point recommending this game, if you own a Switch there's an 80% chance you have this game ¯\(ツ)