3 reviews liked by Azel18

I love the fact that the game is hella brutal and makes you feel what Leif feels during the story.
Great story too! holyyy shittt

Finally, a Fire Emblem game with compelling characters and a good story...

Probably one of the best 3ds games. The plot is nice and simple, nothing too incredible or too obvious. The most interesting part of the plot is the sidequests, which have interesting characters and well-structured dungeons. Initially I didn't want to do them but they are so amazing that I did them all. Let's say that, however, I don't think that the "main focus" of Bravely Default is the plot, but the characters and the gameplay. The characters in this game are incredible, from the first to the last they are all very particular in character and design. The protagonists have their own mini-arcs, except for Tiz who always remains a little neglected, but is deepened in Bravely Second. Each Villain has its own side-quest which is always very nice. I was expecting the main pre-Villain of the game, but as a plot twist it fits. Also very nice is the fact that it changes the title screen once you reach a certain point in the game. I didn't mind the final villain. The soundtrack is fantastic, practically every single track is memorable and catchy even in loop. My favorite OST is That Person Name is along with Wicked Flight probably. The music, even taken individually without context and without having played the game, is truly wonderful. The gameplay is literally perfect. I had a little bit of trouble understanding the mechanics at first, but once I get it all out, it's really a lot of fun. Farming in this game is also fun, thanks to the ability to increase random encounters and the fact that you can repeat the moves used in the previous round. The primary and secondary classes are truly original, and make the gameplay even more fun and interesting. The Brave and Default mechanics are also great. For a 3DS game released in 2014, really great graphics. The "semi-chibi" artstyle is also very nice. In general the game is very nice. If you are looking for a jrpg with excellent gameplay, it is definitely for you. The only downside is that probably the final parts of the game could have been shortened slightly or repurposed in a different way