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AzureBlizzard completed Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations
not giving it a perfect score to be on the safer side for now (rly want to revisit the game at some point) but trust me when I say if Investigations 2 matches this in quality I'll melt into a puddle

5 days ago

AzureBlizzard completed Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
similar to the first game in score if u include RftA but it does feel far less cohesive and consistent, sometimes seeming as if they just crammed a few random cases to fill in a second game while they were working on Trials & Tribulations

net win still tho

5 days ago

AzureBlizzard completed Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
it hurts so much to not give it an 8 but like I'm sorry it's been a year and a half and I still haven't recovered from Rise from the Ashes (derogatory)

5 days ago

AzureBlizzard earned the Liked badge

14 days ago

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